D13. Christian Mathematics

Mathematic Understanding of Nature World. The Authentic version in Book of Revelation. Mathematic indicated the progressive direction i.e. Kinematic or Dynamics as well as the set of programs i.e. Sequences or Loops.

‘1’ is IQ, ‘3 entity in 1 core’ (No preferential, centred on 2)
Constant (Singularity) vs Linear (Matrices)
Mono; “Single” vs “Cancel off each other”
Law: 2 facts, code, broken vs loops; Foundation

‘2’ is AQ, Addictive; “Linear (Momentum)“ vs ”Stall (Fatigue)”
Free fall: 1 competing 1, projection (concise, non-accuracy)
Fatalism (99% unpredictable)(Laplace)
Biological; Glorification
Principle: 2 fact 1 condition, melody, progression vs stabilising; Pillar
‘2’ is equivalent to reformed vs amplify and evil, partial vs righteous and complete. Optimised
2 Stream
Contest; Projection

‘3’ is CQ, ‘3 core in 1 entity’ (Preferential, centred on 1).
“Exponential (Interpolating)” vs “Logarithm (Fade)”
Take off: 1 competing 2, constraint (more concise, less accuracy)
Free will (15% unpredictable)(Matrix)
Chemical; Justification
Theory: 2 facts 2 conditions, words, continuity vs rotating; Platform
3 Architecture

‘4’ is EQ, “N Wave (Mislead)” vs “Partial Differential Equation (Guide)”
Cycle: 3 against 1, perpetual (less concise, more accuracy)
‘1 out of 4 has the derivative’. Order is 4th.
The 3rd has the lowest number of counts. Interposed of ‘2’
Pre-destined (93% predictable)(Chaos)
Mechanical; Sanctification
Theorem: 2 facts 3 conditions, tones, shine vs smoke; Legacy “Answer”

‘5’ is Nil, “Unregulated (Problem)” vs “Differential Equation (Solution)” Bridge
Omni cycle: 3 against 2, universal (non-concise, accuracy)
Destiny (99% predictable)(Quantum)
Electronic; Regeneration
Statistic e.g. Histogram of 12 samples. Fundamental.
‘5’ is integral of ‘2’.
‘2 out of 5 has the derivative.’ Order is 5th, then 4th.
“-50%” “Enemy”
Blueprint; Meta; Histogram 2D Graph; Harmony

‘6’ ‘2 out of 6 has the derivative’. Order is 4th, 5th, 6th.
e.g. 1 bit, 1 or 0. ‘Pivot’ ‘Amplify’
‘6’ is the integral of ‘3’
Vector Number, V “Evil”

‘7’ is the number required round of contest, comprehensive i.e. qualifying.
Combinative Foundation. The Number of tries that reached Limit. Natural Number, N, Times
‘7’ is the integral of ‘3’. 1 out of 7 is the Champion.
Splitting” “Ranking” “There are sorted according level and graded.” vs “Setting”

‘8’ is the interposed of ‘4’. “Unaccountable a.k.a. Quantum” vs “Variety”
Rational Number Precision, Q Randomised, Constant, Directional

‘9’ is the number of 2 rotating cycle conjunction. 1 out of 9 is “Ultimate” vs “Solar System i.e. Branches of One Entity.”
‘9’ is derivative of ‘6’. ‘9’ is the integral of ‘4’.
“9 Algorithm”
Real Number Accuracy, R, Percentage, Step

‘10’ is the number of “2 Omni cycle”, i.e. “double verification” vs “0%” “Null”
“Upside Down Pyramid”
“10 Protocol”
Integer Number Concise, J

‘11’ is Past; “Gauging” vs “Virtual”; “Projection;” “Major”. “Frame”

‘12’ is Next; “Harmony” vs “Real”; “Theoretical”; “Minor”. “Paint”
The number of minimum required samples. i.e. Stereotype, e.g. tolerance +/-
‘12’ is the integral of ‘5’. ‘1 out of 12 has the derivative’.
“12i”; “Interval”
Complex number Ideal, C

‘13’ is Future; Simulation; Mirror, Diminished.

‘14’ is Present; Original; Imaginary, Augmented.

‘15’ is “50%”. Experimental, Suspended.

‘16’ is (Quantum+Quantum) “Amplified”, Destiny (99% predictable)(Quantum) “Messiah”

‘17’ Free will (15% unpredictable)(Matrix), “Lead”

‘18’ (Ultimate+Ultimate) “Scale”, “Feedback”, Pre-destined (93% predictable)(Chaos)

‘19’ Fatalism (99% unpredictable)(Laplace),”Twin Galaxy”, “Parallel World”

‘20’ is Upright Pyramid. “100%”.

‘21’ “100 Plus” “Supernova” “Infernal affairs”

Copyright (C) 2021, Ryan Lai Hin Wai, All right reserved.