1B1. Profile of Jew 12 sects

Irish爱尔兰人, Levi 利末人, Celt塞尔特人, Zion锡安
(Fundamentalist and Pentecostal Church)
耶路撒冷啊,耶路撒冷!这城杀害先知们,又用石头砸死被差到她这里的人!我多次想聚集你的儿女,像母鸡把自己的小鸡聚集在翅膀下,可是你们不愿意! Matthew 23:37
Refuse to Jesus come again. 拒绝耶稣再来。
Character: Apostle Peter as in Gospel (Deny Lord不认主) 。-point Jesus as False Prophet.
e.g. Deny Orthodox Christianity (Join Islam, Fundamentalism)
Originated: Jerusalem 耶路撒冷, Language: Zion锡安
Star Logo (New Abba Father i.e. Jesus); Nationalist Party, Federalism
Frog Leg; Dove Eyes, Lion Nose (Extreme), Medium Size
Extreme CQ (City), Deny Jesus, Low AQ; Mid IQ
Irish; Tobey (Spiderman); Canto 粤:广东,深圳; 周润发 (监狱风云)

Jew犹太人, Hebrew希伯来人, Israelite 以色列人, Israel 以色列
(Judaism and Roman Catholic Church)
“你们不是看见了这一切吗?我确实地告诉你们:这里将绝不会有一块石头留在另一块石头上而不被拆下。” Matthew 24:2
The war between Jew and Persian. 犹太与波斯的战争。
Character: Apostle Paul as in Gospel (Abandon Lord背叛主) 。-point Jesus as Satan.
e.g. Abandon Orthodox Christianity (Join Charismatic, Pentecostalism)
Originated: Canaan迦南, Language: Hebrew 希伯来
Pentagon Logo (Old Abba Father); Liberal Party, Capitalism
Swan Leg; Eagle Eyes, Eagle Nose (Shine), Big Size
Mainstream CQ (Urban), Abandon Jesus, Mid AQ; High IQ
Jew; Van Damme (Bloodsport); Guangxi 桂:广西,上海; 成龙 (霹雳火)

Jude犹大人, Semitic闪族, Slav斯拉夫人, Aramaic 阿拉米
(Eastern Orthodox Church and Episcopal Church)
今后你们绝不会再见到我了,直到你们说:‘奉主名而来的那一位,是蒙祝福的。’*” Matthew 23:39
Reconciliation with advent Jesus.与复临的耶稣相认。
Character: Apostle Jude as in Gospel (Betray Lord出卖主) 。-point Jesus as True Jesus.
e.g. Betray Orthodox Christianity (Join Lutheran, Catholic)
Originated: Judah 犹大, Language: Aramaic 阿拉米
Hammer Logo (Mother Mary); Labour Party, Communism
Elephant Leg; Eagle Eyes, Lion Nose (Rugged), Small Size
Bordered CQ (Suburb), Betray Jesus, High AQ; Low IQ
Jude; Stallone (Rambo); Tangshan 津:东北,北京; 李小龙 (截拳道)

*Any ethnic pre-selection for salvation i.e. highest economic load, among each racial formed the definition of Jew 12 sects. e.g. Israel (3 per), Hongkong (4 per), Dubai (4 per), New Delhi (1 per), total 12 sects. 1 sects out of 12 is the derivative. Economic load is defined by liberal and high time frame rate.
*Benchmark Federalism is the gauge of Economic. The index incl. Marriage Autonomy, No Slave and No Crime in which in turns the definition of Semitic 12sects.

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