D17. The End Game 最终游戏

BC9-AD900 Satan Era, 撒旦年代

AD901-AD1900 God Kingdom Era, Satan get prison. 天国年代 撒旦被关

AD1901-AD2900 End Time Era, World War Cold War Plague, Advent of Jesus inheritor, Satan get released that has few version, Y2K bug, Hitler Nazi, Last China Emperor, etcs. 末世年代 世界大战冷战瘟疫,耶稣继承人复临,撒旦被放 Loops within until Final Jesus Inheritor, in whom was hidden as Catalyst of Tsunami, that end the loops of War & Epidemic, the Heaven fade in then.

AD2901-AD3900 Revelation Era, Devil and his Gangs sentence to Fire Lake. 启示录年代 魔鬼与同党依序下火湖

AD3901-AD4900 Heaven Era, The 2nd Resurrection. 天堂年代 第二次复活

Question: Is there any trait leave that Satan been released?

  1. Gospel Lies instead of Gospel Leak.
  2. God Kingdom reign for 1000 years, and there no hunger and terrorism.

• Schism point at 分歧点在AD1901-AD2900
• Prerequisite of Revelation 1st Resurrection: Agnostic God believer, that’s all.
• Those above prerequisite, free wish.
• Those without will stay with the rests, hope for 2nd Resurrection.
• This can be translated to World Event of Virus Epidemic and World War 1 & 2.

Copyright (C) 2021, Ryan Lai Hin Wai, All right reserved.