D21. Know What You Believe (Part II)

7 type of Church 七间教会

Atheism, Pentecostal (Christian Mathematics)
Transformer i.e. Ruler (Republican & Astronomy Index) vs E.T (Nationalist, Photon Histogram), Grey (Democracy, Quantum State), Predator (Communism & DNA Vector)(Wage)
Prophet 预言家: Time Phase & War Phase Prophecy 时间态与战争态预言 a. Economy Loading, b. Audience Accuracy & Trials
4 Creatures 四活物: 4 type Alien
4 Dragon 四个龙 : 140 inches 一百四十四肘, form a loop 形成一个套路

Monotheism, Eastern Orthodox (Christian Arts)
Jehovah Witnesses i.e. Old Carol (Ethic) vs Devil a.k.a. Dragon 龙 (Idolatry)(Lawmaker)
Preacher 传道人: Spread Gospel Commission 宣教使命 a. Dimension of God, b. The Assurance of God
666 Preacher 六六六传道人 a.k.a. Dragon 龙: Cult Founded Place

Trinity, Fundamentalist (Christian Science)
Jesus Inheritor i.e. Those Marty Soldier (Economic Science) vs False Christ a.k.a. Dragon 龙 (Game Theory)(Monitor)
Apostle 使徒 a.k.a. Dragon 龙: God Ministry Missionary 神的事工任务 a. The Oriental, b. The Promised Land
7 Disaster 七灾, 7 Whistle 七个号角: 2 Climate, 1 Weapon and 4 Virus

Agnostic, Presbyterian (Politics)
Christ Inheritor i.e. Presidential Candidate (Linguistic Studies) vs False Prophet 假先知 (Computer Language)(Fund)
Disciple 门徒: Christian Education Vision 基督徒教育宏愿 a. Salvation by Grace, b. Baptism & Judgement
Semitic 12 Sects 以色列子民十二支派: Federalism Economy

Partial-Theism, Episcopal (Christian Music)
Messiah i.e. The 2nd Coming Jesus (Hymn) vs Serpent a.k.a. Beast 第一只兽 (Love)(Scapegoat)
10 Country King 十个王: 10 Network Channel a. Fellowship & Sacrament, b. Prayer & Worship
7 Dream Godness 七个印记: 7 Messiah Seal

Alpha & Omega, Methodist (Medicine)
James i.e. The Son of God (Healer) vs Man of Sin a.k.a. Beast 第二只兽 (Psychology)(Secretary)
New Babylon 新巴比伦: The New Continent, 2200 kilometers 两千两百公里
New Jerusalem 新耶路撒冷: One of the Small Continent
12 type of fruits 十二种果子: 12 Sugar derivative a. The Renewal of Old Body, b. Age-lock

Multi-Theism, Catholic (Christian Law)
Mary i.e. Stay with where many Virgin Conceived (Criminology) vs Satan (Economics)(Mastermind)
Saint 圣徒: Theology Revolution 神学革命 a. Pre-destined to Destined b. Victory oriented to Righteous oriented
7 type of Saint 七个灵: 1 type Good, 1 type Bad
12 Angel 十二个天使: 7 Good Angel, 5 Bad Angel
24 Angel Guardian二十四长老: 24 Ethnic Representative

(Inspired from the Book of Revelation)

Copyright (C) 2021, Ryan Lai Hin Wai, All right reserved.