C6. Economic Transformation, Evangelism and Chinese 经济转型,传道与中华民族

Ecosystem Economics vs Universal Economics

Ecosystem Economic:

1. Four open state (i.e. four economic cycle)
2. Short term & Progressive gain & loss business 
3. Crime syndicate & Reverse engineering product (incl. Improvised Engineering Product) 
4. Islam and Buddhism friendly. (incl. Atheism & Agnostic) 
5. Capitalism & Federalism

Universal Economic:

1. Three closed state (i.e. three economic status)
2. Long term & Sustainable business 
3. Charity fund & Holistic engineering product. (incl. Secondary Engineering Product) 
4. Christianity Evangelism friendly. (incl. Lutheran & Charismatic) 
5. Communism & Commonwealth

*When Capitalism shift to Communism, Cold War expecting. This is because it is the game of rule out incapability as well as unethical business and technology to reduce deepen of Economic Load. Even though Economic Load is permissible and beneficial to Ecosystem Economic, not Universal Economic. With Universal Economic, Evangelism of Christianity to Chinese will be feasible.

*Since the ever ’64 instance’, a Memorandum, this is why Chinese running most Unethical Downstream Engineering product as well as Underground Crime Syndicate. Apparently, Cold War is where the place of Economic Load is highest.

*Many thing, but Crime Syndicate Disruption, Evangelism and Reformation Christianity and Religion Conflicts & Unity, are what these all to start with. Further, Disaster Readiness and War preventive measure are the typical key hold, as Economic Transformation is hasted.

If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. 1 John 1:9
如果我们承认自己的罪孽,神是信实的、公义的,他就会赦免我们的罪孽,洁净我们脱离一切的不义。约翰前书 1:9

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