Y513. Biblical Application: Catechism for Chinese and Royal (Broadcast)

The Apostle & the Nativity
i. Mary: Eve the Meta Western
Elizabeth: Afternoon the Meta Heaven

ii. Messiah: Esther
Messi: Nehemiah and Ezra

iii. Jesus: Adam
Jesuit: Serpent the Duty Free

iv. Christ: Lord’s Angel Lilith
Chris: Devil the Lawsuit i.e. Trojan Horse

v. James: Noel
Peter: Ruth, Apostolic

vi. Joshua: Solomon
Paul: Pope the Oriental i.e. Gross Capital

vii. Santa Claus: Moses
Martha: Satan i.e. Righteous Sheppard Dog

viii. Joseph: Jacob
John the Baptist: Elijah i.e. Apostolic to Catholic to Apostolic, Sheppard

The Church & the Jobs
ix. Episcopal: God Father, Puppet Kings e.g. David (Dictatorship, Mafia)
Catholic: Rabbi (Democracy, Alliance Fund)
Vatican: Pope (Oriental Democracy, Nazi Prison)
Apostolic: Democracy Royal, Capped Kings, e.g. Caesar (Totalitarianism, Fasci Nazi)

x. Teaching: Partial Theism (Gospel the Mrk), Esther (Virginia throwback Rabbi)
Prophecy: Mono Theism (Gospel the Luk), Ezra (Wall throwback Scripture)
Capital: Multi Theism (Gospel the Jhn), Ether (Resort throwback Nativity)
Ruler: Trinity (Gospel the Matt), Nehemiah (Pilgrim throwback Tax Collector)

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The God Elections & the Chronicle
xi. Levi: Abraham->Nuclear Treaty (Einstein Theorem, Encyclopedia the Footprint Scripture), Frauding Vulnerability
Jewish: Greek
Gothic: US, Jewish Flower (1st Elections)

xii. Jude: Leviticus->Hygienic Policy (Newton Law, Biography the Family Tree), Scamming Vulnerability
Semitic: Roman
Hebrew: UK, Hebrew Flower (2nd Elections)

xiii. Jew: Moses->Climate Protocol (Archimedes the Chaos Theory, Legend the Vectorial Wall Path), Brute Force Vulnerability
Israelite: Latin
Welsh: AU, Israelite Flower (3rd Elections)

The Cult & the Capital Regime (The Nativity to Holland)
The Minor Prophet to Dead End Mileage (97,98,99 Sheep Bridge)
Malachi: Puppet King, David (Oriental Civilisation)
Habakkuk: Capped King, Caesar (Egyptian Civilisation)
Zechariah: Waterloo King, Asa (Israel Civilisation)

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