
1. The Economy & Politic (Jerusalem Foundation)

Timeline of end world: Zigzac, and anytime.

Mastermind: Racist related, not money related for sure.

Marriage Supremacy: Non Specific Marriage, preferential on Bread over Love. Advocate Testimony.

Marriage Autonomy: Specific Marriage, preferential on Love over Bread. Advocate Ministry.

Political Wing: Far left point to conservative, far right point to radical.

Superstitious: Crime Disorder, Erotic, Heresy, Multi-theism, e.g. Crime.

Idealism: Economy Disorder, Idealism, Serve two God, Trinit-ism e.g. Terrorism.

Materialism: Social Disorder, Secular, No Righteous, Monotheism, e.g. Raping.

Popularism: Civil Disorder, Nationalism, Idolism, Agnostic, e.g. Fraud.

Marxism: Marxism, Far Left wing, Socialism.

Fusionism: Fusionism, Centre Left wing, Religionism.

Nazism: Far Right wing, Materialism.

Fascism: Fascism, Centre Right wing, Racialism.

Neo Nazi: Economy Disorder as well as Anti-Chinese. Enterprise Syndicate incl. Qing Syndicate. Anti-Chinese.

Fasci Japan: Civil Disorder as well as Anti-God. Crime Syndicate incl. East India Company. Qing Regime.

Nazi Germany: Social Disorder as well as Anti-Semitic. War Syndicate. Anti-Semitic. Soong Sister Dynasty.

Communist Crime Disorder as well as Anti-Christ. Terrorism Syndicate incl. Islamic State. Qing Conspiracy Basement.

Russian Bratva: Linkup to Taliban & Mind Control Society. Custom Committee.

East India Company: Linkup to Al-Qaeda & Casino Society. Hospital Committee.

Klu Klux Klan: Linkup to ISIS & Mental Research Institute. Casino Committee.

Italy Mafia: Linkup to Islamic State & Falungong syndicate. Bank Committee.

IQ: Intelligence Quotient, Identity, Statistical.

AQ: Adversity Quotient, Thing, Parameter.

CQ: Creative Quotient, Time, Directional.

EQ: Emotional Quotient, Place, Geometrical.

Goal Oriented: Two-way thinking. Versus analysis. Duality.

Task Oriented: Alternative way thinking. Brainstorming. One direction.

Result Oriented: Multiple-way thinking. Independent analysis. Concurrent.

Process Oriented: One-way thinking. Critical analysis. Sequence.

Nationalism: Three party formation a.k.a. 3 People’s Principle. Human Right inclined. e.g. Protestation.

Pan Democracy: Alliance formation, Coverage inclined. e.g. Money Campaign.

Democracy: Coalition formation, Two party political formation. Credit Inclined. e.g. Presidential Election.

Republican: One party formation. Population inclined. e.g. General Election.

Federalism: Slaved & Commercial Crime inclined. Charity model. Government Monetary.

Commonwealth: Erotic & Intelligence Crime inclined, Labour inclined. Investment model. Family Monetary.

Capitalism: Labour & Criminal Crime inclined. Supply Chain model. Individual Monetary.

Communism: Servicing & Civil Crime, Servicing inclined. Franchised model. Partial Government Monetary.

Reunification of Religion: Oppose to Renaissance. Religion Unity. Economy Recession. Shia Islam commission, e.g. Babylon.

Economics transformation: Oppose Industrial Revolution. Economy Booming. Agnostic Islam commission, e.g. Nile River.

Cultural Renaissance: Belong to Social Disorder. No racial discrimination and racial reconciliation but Anti-Semitic. Economy Downturn. Sufism Islam commission, e.g. Aegean Sea.

Industrial Revolution: Technology foundation as well as infrastructure upgrading. Economy Crisis. Sunni Islam commission, e.g. Babel Tower.


1a. Published (Croyalflush Ministry Foundation 锄大地事工基金会)

*Socialist: Think Tank->Antichrist
*Non Socialist: Fund->Gentile
*Democratic: Scapegoat->Biblical Villain
*Politic: Psychology->Edge
*Religion: Criminology->Credit

Annealed (Metallurgy Terms): To make Holistic, grouped-out by same properties.

Tempered (Metallurgy Terms): To make Cluster, grouped-in by different properties.

Pasteurised (Pharmacy Terms): To make Homogenous, grouped-in by different properties.

Sterilized (Pharmacy Terms): To make Network, grouped-in by same properties.

Premise: Technology Heritage, gauged by Patent.

State: Culture Heritage, gauged by Copyright.

Nation: Humanity Heritage, gauged by Service Mark.

Kingdom: Property Heritage, gauged by Trade Secret.

Holy Spirit: Greater than 3 out of 6 Division Social Maturity. The Cold inclined Annealed Communities.

Evil Spirit: Lower than 3 out of 6 Division Social Maturity. The Hot inclined Pasteurised Communities.

Annealed Community: Social Bonding Ethnic, e.g. 1st. Israelite, 2nd. Germanic 3rd. Celt,. Diaspora. Goat. Many.

Tempered Community: Social Chaos Ethnic, e.g. 1st. Jewish, 2nd. Chinese/Asian, e.g. Aboriginal, Lamb. Unique.

Pasteurised Community: Social Disorder Ethnic, Jew/Germans, Anglo/Jew, e.g. Indigenous. Sheep. Large.

Sterilised Community: Social Order Ethnic, e.g. 1. Turkish, 2. Egyptian, 3. Arabian, 4. Persian, 5. African. Gentile. Uniform.

Nationalist: Pasteurised Community.

Socialist: Tempered Community.

Democracy: Annealed Community.

Republican: Sterilised Community.

Globalisation: Make 5 Axis Heritage, a.k.a. Economic Harvest. 50 milestone.

Internationalisation: Make 4 Axis Heritage, a.k.a. Economic Myth. 30 milestone.

Liberalisation: Make 3 Axis Heritage, a.k.a. Economic Booming. 40 milestone.

Cryptography: Identity Verification Method.

Guarantee: The Amount of Credit Projected in Time or Volume, equivalent to Liability.

Ante: The Amount of Credit equivalent to Partial of Liability.

Guarantor: The Identity or Represented Organisation equivalent to Partial of Liability.

Errata 2Nov2022, 5Nov2022

Extremist Christian: Social Disorder

Lyrics Music: Calligraphy Music

Data Mark Geology: Tempered Zone, Safe Environment Zone a.k.a. First Resort

Kelvin Mark Geography: Annealed Zone, Safe Spiritual a.k.a. Second Resort

Hall Mark Demography: Pasteurised Zone, Safe Time Zone a.k.a. Last Resort

Errata 30Nov2022


Community Hierarchy: A.D. and New A.D.

Ethnic Hierarchy: B.C. and New B.C.

Clan: First Resort, Blueprint Cast out, Chronography e.g. Pluto

Schism: Second Resort, Blueprint Decryption, Calligraphy e.g. Heresy

Shoe: Last Resort, Blueprint Projection, Nativity, e.g. Critics

Errata 30Nov2022

Duty Exception per Capita: Identity

Tax Legislation: Bureau

Identity per Calendar Lapsed: Misconduction Degree

Identity per Calendar: Seal Number the Ethnic

Type of Calendar: Seal Event per Religion

High Seal Number: Heavy Bureau Tax


Bureau Tax: Capita Volume the Population Census

Bureau Organisation: Promote Religion Unity the Extreme Islam

Crime Disruption Ministry: War Organisation and Crime Organisation.


Military Regime: Continent per Capita

Politician Party: Cryptography per Capita

Bi-Parliament: Career Selection

Hierarchy Parliament: Career Founder, per Capita

Nationalist: Laboratory e.g. Science Data Analysis

Democracy: Office e.g. Technology Development

Fasci Socialist: Church e.g. Ecumenical Standard Initiative, the Judification

Marxism Socialist: University e.g. Engineering Standard Initiative, the Framework

Errata 2Jan2023

Private Mail: Intelligence + Broadcast i.e. CCC
Public Published: Meta Tither + Broadcast i.e. Real Value
Fashion Big Ante: Commuting + Meta Tither i.e. Truth Value

Errata 7Feb2023

Duty Burden, the Tither Tax Account: The Normalised Solver iteration Number, the Meta Number 1 Red cum White 14. The Similarities is Individual, and within it, there are by 25 Percent Vaporised automatically. Hence This is often be ignore due to no concern of Inheritance of Heritage regardless Land, Office, & Intellectual Property.
Social Bonding: Star point upward overlaps the Star pointing downward in which each star represents the social structure bonding by 2 pyramids.

Errata 25Feb2023

CP rating: Licensee Public, Treasure Tither Duty, God Ministry, Police CIA Mental Health
CAP rating: Degree Non Official, Marriage Duty, Christian Ministry, Attoney ZION Intelligence
PC rating: Certificate Official, Duty Ransom of Heritage, Public Ministry, Judges FBI Bureaur

Errata 13Mar2023

Codecs: Methods->Events
Hues: Visions->Environmental
Voices: Goals->Clans

Errata 30Mar2023

Continue on next page


2. The Ethnicity & Business (World Bank)

Jew 3 tribes: Zion i.e. Irish, Hebrew i.e. Jew, Semitic i.e. Jude.

Semitic 12 sects: Any ethnic pre-selection for salvation among each racial formed the definition of Semitic 12 sects. e.g. Israel, Hongkong, Dubai, New Delphi, total 12 sects.

Copyright: Foundation, Improvised version.

Patent: Pillar, Authentic version.

Copycat: Platform, Ugly version.

Trademark: Legacy, Beautified version.

Service Mark: Fundamental, Draft version.

Improvised: a.k.a. Jazz, Original Chord, Advertisement Music. incl. Poetry song.

Retro: a.k.a. Folk, Original Melody, Sheet Music. incl. Church song.

Indie: a.k.a. Pop, Original Tone, Album Music. incl. Christmas song.

Unplugged: a.k.a. Rock, Original Tempo, Concert Music. incl. Hymn song.

Classical: a.k.a. Symphony, Original Rhythm, Recording Music. incl. Praise song.

Dali大理: Suspended Scale. Indian, Mainland Chinese 华夏民族, incl. 闽, 澳, 台

Dunhuang 敦煌: Harmonic Minor Scale. Chosen, Diaspora Chinese 中华民族, incl. 津, 港, 新

Shangri La香格里拉: Diminished Scale. Korean, National Chinese大汉民族, incl. 浙

Green Island绿岛: Harmonic Major Scale. Japanese, Mandarin Chinese大华民族, incl. 京, 苏, 粤

Dagger 小刀会: Augmented Scale. Thai, Oversea Chinese 华侨民族, incl. 桂, 蒙

Broadway: 1 per Bass, Portuguese incl. African, Portuguese

Quartet: 4 per Strings, Spanish incl. Jude, Greek, Spanish

Band: 3 per Choir, French incl. Germanic, Irish, French

Accompany: 2 per Piano, Dutch incl. Celt, Dutch

Orchestra: 5 per Drum, Italian incl. Jew, Italian

Boiled; Baked: Pork & Seafood, South America, Macao,Nanjing.

Steamed; Stew: Mutton & Venison, Europe, Taiwan,Tianjing.

Stir Fry; Roasted: Poultry & Vegetable, Australia, Malaysia,Shanghai.

Fried; Grill: Fish & Egg, United Kingdom, Hongkong,Beijing.

Braised; Gravy: Beef & Duck, United States, Singapore,Shenzhen

Chinese Medicine: Therapy e.g. Acupuncture.

Drug: Herbs e.g. Supplementary.

Vaccine: Cures e.g. Immune.

Pharmacy: Tonics e.g. Nutriology.

Quarantine Management: Testing e.g. Laboratory.

Regenerative Medicine: Chinese Medicine, New Age Medicine, Psychiatry Drug, Herbs, Therapy Oriented.

Nutriology Medicine: Western Medicine, Surgical Medicine, Pharmacy Supplement, Tonics, Anatomy Oriented.

Hexagram Code Numeric, Cipher, Superimposed, Chronicle to Name Etymology.

Morse Code Alphabet, String, Thread, Festival to Name Etymology.

Light Code Symbol, Echo, Histogram, Capital to Name Etymology.


2a. Published (Chinese Reunion Fellowship新中华府) 

Blueprint: Practise, Theory, Model, (Data Mark, Kelvin Mark, Hall Mark).   

Chronography: No Clan, Diaspora

Calligraphy: Non Orthodox, Schism

Nativity: No Shoe, Critic

Carrier: Best Treasure Ethnic

Pilot: Best Intellectual Ethnic

Treasure Integrity: Human Right Act

Intellectual Integrity: Intelligence Act

Food Scheme: Class A1: Tamed, Class F4: Seafood, Class C: Herb, Low<High Class: Mouse<Bird

Energy Scheme: Class A1: Hormone Bill, Class F4: Carbon Bill, Class C: Poison Bill, Low<High Class: Calories<Calcium Bill

Pentecost Legacy Scheme: Class A1: Wage Duty Carrier, Class F4: Compensation Duty Carrier, Class C: Salary Duty Carrier, Low<High Class: Devotion<Burden Duty Carrier, i.e. Cryptography

Meta Genetic Scheme: Class A1: Culture Renaissance, Class F4: Humanity Renaissance, Class C: Heritage Renaissance, Low<High Class: Industrial<Technology Renaissance, i.e. Nativity

Quantum Treasure Scheme: Class A1: Advent, Class F4: Oriental, Class C: Promised Land, Low<High Class: Utopia, i.e. Chronography

Esther: Star Dust Stream, Time tax

Ezra: Star Dust Pressure, Heat tax

Nehemiah: Star Dust Wind, Quantum tax

Economic Conspiracy: Christian Persecution. Third World. Junk Technology, a.k.a. Renaissance Era.  

Heritage Terrorism: Anti Semitic. First World. Junk Culture, a.k.a. Contemporary Era.

Royalty: Depend on Geology, Space Footage, the Merchant Age. The Intelligence.

Loyalty: Depend on Geography, Spiritual Channel, the Marketing Standard. The Broadcast.

Lent: Depend on Demography, Time Zone, the Insurance Ranking. The Calculating.

Errata 4Dec2022

Natalie: Clock Wise Meta, Class A1, 88 Graded Weighted Piano
Intellect: Anti Clock Wise Meta, Class C, Flute
Sheep: Anti Clock Wise Meta, Class B, Guitar
Goat: Clock Wise Meta, Class C, Violin
Lamb: Clock Wise Meta, Class B, Cello
Gentile: Clock Wise Meta, Class F4, Keyboard Piano

Errata 30Jan2023

Lent Legislation Law: Lent, Loyalty, Royalty
Intelligence Fee: The Value counted from Tax of Duty whenever equilibrium.
Intelligence: Carrier Meta

Errata 7Feb2023

Land Property Value: Footage Milestone per Boundary Datum

Errata 13Feb2023

Stellarhood: Token Cracker the Prisoner for Nanotechnology Mechanism, or Astronomy Ecosystem i.e. Dust Crime.
Robinhood: Token Cracker the Heroin for Chairman Authority.
Neighbourhood: Token Cracker the Neighbour for Security Force.

Errata 25Feb2023

Footwell: Salted light->Layer
Herald: Fundamentalist herald maverick heaven. coherent the parallel
Conjugate: Netting
Aggregate: Rotational Derivative
Duty: Tither 10th one tenth e.g. Cowboy, 1st of May, 2 off day, Labour
Business duty: off Tither meta
Meta: logo quantum
Real number: (constant, constant)
Complex number, i: Real number (3 C) ->meta 5contant
Greek numbering: Alpha, Beta, Theta, Omega 24 Constant. by Constant
Reynold number of Universal
Scientific Platform: Paradigm of Meta and Aggregate terms Coding inclined in terms of Hex, Pentecost, Meta, Biblical, Genetics, Formula and Constants.
Scientific Methodology: The Conjugated Netting Eucharist Homogenous, Holistic Proven Practised e.g. Quantum Arrow, Meta Science, Pentecost Footage Pilgrim.
Climate Change: Low Kelvin Mark in which the Quantum Footwell in Crisis. i.e. High Quantum Number. The Famine, and Superstitious Pearly Era.
Polar Harvest: Geothermal escalated, Global Warming at earth inner and polar core Iceland green and Australia pacific island.
Global Warming: Jupiter->Kelvin Mark Footprint increase->spiritual world the Accounting Psychology format change to risk orientated financial format. e.g. 50% 50% Thermal Dynamics ->99% 1% Quantum Mechanics.
Aged Lock: Stem cell, DNA->Hormones Aged Locked. Soul aged Skin complexity 99 (medical fee locked) dragon commuting carrier golden patch limitation i.e. allergy & preliminary platform
Dead End Mileage: Holy Spirit Ergonomics 4 amputation lent (tuition Locked locked) unicorn computer hygienic Eucharist Judification 90% 10%.
Risen: Spiritual Body Environment Reflection of Social Circle (heritage tax locked) lion commuter mileage salted light tither account.

Errata 5Mar2023

Western Sound Enclosure: Turbulent, Geothermal Cubicle Disease
Asia Sound Enclosure: Laminar, Low Geothermal Cubicle Disease
Salted Light: Heat Rating Dynamics Scale, a.k.a. Temperature Scaling by Heat. Kelvin.
Tempered Processed Channel the Cells Montage: Geology the Bandwidth Channel adapted to Saturn.
Annealed Processed Channel the Socialist Montage: Radiant the Packet Frequency adapted to Heaven.
Pasteurised Processed Channel the Wholly Montage: Dust the Metric Bandwidth adapted to Paradise
Carrier Protocol: Duty Protocol, Labour, Apostolic, Business, Uniform, Non-Uniform
Property: Annual account of Digital.
Currency: Quartet account of Token.
Cash: Day account of Capita.
Credit: Hour account of Spending.

Errata 5Apr2023

3. The Religion & Theology (Vatican Organisation) 

Theorem: Business Management, Telecommunication, Pseudo Science; Commission.

Theory: a.k.a. Law, Astronomy, Arts, Applied Physics, Nature Science; Ethic.

Theology: a.k.a. Canon, Politics, Risk Management, Operation Management, Social Science; Spirit.

Doctrine: a.k.a. Principle, Medicine, Music, Logistic, Architecture Science; Ethnic.

Dogma: a.k.a. Theory, Martial Arts, War Strategic, Criminology, Psychology; Erotic.

Principle: Genealogy and Medicine. a.k.a. Bible Character. i.e. Ethnic.

Law: Archaeology and Astronomy. a.k.a. Bible Story i.e. Ethic.

Catechism: Constitutions and Politics. a.k.a. Canon of Bible.

Justice: Criminal Law and Anti-Social Law, against Crime Disorder i.e. Criminal Justification.

Justification: Holy Confession, Forgiveness, Faith, Speak in tongue.

Sanctification: Holy Baptism, Repentance, Love, Pentecost.

Glorification: Holy Communion, Offering, Hope, Theosis.

Regeneration: Holy Sacrament, Righteousness, Work, Christian Perfection.

Testimony: Its harms than benefit, do ministry than testimonial for Orthodox Christianity nor for Atheism.

Orthodox Christianity: Apostolic Church where Ministry of God as well as Missionary is valued. Teaching of Overview and strengthening of Christianity Fundamental.

Lutheran: Churches that value Salvation by Faith alone as well as value ‘No racial discrimination’, it is disrupting social harmony if too vigorous. Teaching of Basic and strengthening Christianity Foundation.

Christianity Reforming: Separating Lutheran Church out of four division of Christianity denomination.

Trinity: One to Three, Three entity regulated to Core.

Monotheism: Three in One, Three core regulated to one entity.

Erotic Defect: Man or women whoever compromise sex before and/or after marriage.

Adultery: Man or women pursuit love for money or pursuit love for sex before and/or after marriage.

Evil Spirit: Whoever contributing to social disorder as well as strong will of destruction conscious holistically.

Anti-Semitic: Link to Nazi Germany, in which any illegal activities contributed to disrupting Jew as well as those Pre-selection Jew from each racial group, for reconciliation.

Religion Unity: Link to Christianity Reforming, The endeavour of Orthodox Christianity to form alliance with Islam as well as other Orthodox religion.

Heaven: Link to Social Disorder, the place called itself heaven is the place where no social disorder and forward to progressive high civilisation and to perpetual life.

Christian Science: Conclude in Scientific theology as well as Creationism belief, a.k.a. Fundamentalist.

Pseudo Science: Conclude in Telecommunication as well as Revelation belief, a.k.a. Pentecostal.

Salvation: Those who are Completed Christian as well as those who equip with Christianity equivalent methodology. There are no single way but many way lead to salvation.

Canon: The rule in and rule out of targeted number of books from Old Testament as well as from New Testament to form an interconnected logical loops in other to fulfil the teachings of Salvation of Christ.

Climate Disaster Readiness: Conspiracy of Tsunami, targeting to block the evangelism of Christianity as well as targeting disrupt human civilisation by minimising the global emergency readiness in all activities to disperse human connection e.g. Social Disorder, Anti-Semitic, Religion disharmony, Terrorism, Erotic defect, World War.

Nuclear Weapon: High destructive, low occurrence nuclear weapon, literally it has no threatening advantage over other mass destructive weapon. But it can be illegally misused out of control the crude oil economy as well as preventive measure of escalating to World war.

Social Disorder: Link to Nazi Germany, in which a society harmony is disrupted in terms of social connection as well as social affiliation on weighing to leader of society.

Social Security: Liability on privacy/freedom that cause threat, depends on social sensitivity, popularism & social ranking mismatched i.e. social disorder.

Semitic Persecution: Social Disorder Activity, incl. Quarantine, Job sanction. Same to Christian Persecution.

3a. Published (Christian Organisation 基督徒集团)

Goat: Intellect, Word Prison, Semitic
Sheep: Tither, Trojan Horse, Christian
Lamb: Natalie, Colony, Anointed

Scapegoat: Terrorism Ransom to Semitic, Memory Defect, Alternate Semitic
Antichrist: Chronic Failure Ransom to Christian, Erotic Defect, Extra Christian
Gentile: Disaster Ransom to Stakeholder, Poison Defect, Grading Reincarnated

101 Righteous Sheppard Dogs: Duty Ransom, Sigma, Lion
99 Lost and Found Sheeps: Threatening Lawsuit, Omega, Horse
500 Repel Lambs: Guinea Trial, Lambda, Dragon

Cult a.k.a. Oriental Democracy: Buddhism Noel, Christian Persecution, Democracy Academy, Alternate Camps
Communist a.k.a. Fasci Socialist: Utopia Series, Stakeholder Persecution, Royalism Military, Extra Censors
Islam Prayer a.k.a. Aqueda: Islam Noel, Semitic Persecution, Constitutional Congress, Grading Streams

Hierarchy Traitor: African, Nazi Fasci
Regime Repel: Jew, Mafia
Cells Schism: Manchu, Syndicate

Footage Binding: Capita Suit, Chronography
Cryptography Milestone: Capita Scheme, Calligraphy
Footprint Clock: Capita Clan, Demography

Redemption: Body Lapsed
Atonement: Spiritual Mileage
Judification: Fellowship Margin

Holistic Science: Biblical Conjugation
Pseudo Science: Mechanics Reaction
Systematic Science: Mechanics Mechanism

Montage Intellectual: Universal Spectrum Histogram
Social Montage: Political Evolutional Scheme
Social Hierarchy: Moses code Iteration number

Rabbi: Academy Scholarship, Queen the Inaugural
Puppet: Congress Stakeholder, King the Final
Idol: Market Moderator, Jack the Least

Meta Clock the Diaspora, Byte: Reactors Programs, the Clustered Stereotype,
Isomer, Timber Product Graded, i.e. Heat Flux
Timer Clock the Heat, Era: Mechanism Series, the Stereotype Bind Number,
Isotope, Metal Element Trajectory, i.e. Heat Carrier
Sets of Clock the Voltage, Value: Mechanics Generations, the Genealogy Wave,
Isometric, Silicon Energy Releasing, i.e. Lumen Value.

Chronicle: Eschatology Calendar Atonement Byte per Gross Capita a.k.a. Ether Stellar i.e. Solar Stellar, the National Treasure, Hygienic the Tax Agency. UN, WWF, KMT, World Bank. Publisher Certification Protocol
Jobs: Ecumenical Judification Era per Gross Capita a.k.a. Solar Wave, the Universal Energy, Administration the Space Agency. NASA, WHO, NATO, Vatican. Medicine Scheme Cover
Exodus: Industrial Framework Redemption Value per Capita a.k.a. Ether Dust i.e. Solar Dust, the International Economy, Intelligence the Bureau Agency. CIA, FBI, ZION, Jerusalem. Wage Deficit Package

Adventist or Eschatology Calendar: Covenant, Universal Sins Protocol e.g. Etymology
Judification or Ecumenical Catechism: Doctrine, Constitutional Sets of Law, e.g. Ecumenical
Economic Treasure or Etymology Semitic Congress: Dogma, Orthogonal, Aerial, Pentecostal, Holoscopic, e.g. Holysee

Errata 11Jan2023

Democracy: University
Royalism: Academy

Ritual: Quantum Carrier Metric. The Conversation Bill for Real Value.
Legitimated: Judification Platform. e.g. Platform Saving Account. Distrust Account Platform. Allergy Account Platform. i.e. The Famous Ecumenical of Vatican contrast with the HolySee.

Stellar Head: Community Leader and Spiritual Leader.
18 Luohan: The Fasci Community Leader of 18per. e.g. Pope, Bishop, Islam Prophet or Islam Spiritual for Jihad, the Revenge.

Continue on next page


Federal per Capita: Spiritual Cast Out the Derivative Products due Misdoing and Perceiving-ness the Aggregate. Timely Kick out High Bonding Product. (The Commuting Generations)
Gross Capital per Clan: Marriage or Max Tither, Food Compound Profit Sharing Ranking (The Inaugural Sky High Nativity)
Nativity Mileage per Capita: Carrier Tither, Commuting Energy Cost (Land Wall)
Nativity Milestone per Gross Capital: Timezone any One to One Couple only, Homogenous, the Time Lock Metric (Eden Garden the Schematic to Next and Original, i.e. One Lord, Two Lord, Trinity Lord, and Multiple Lord, no more Lord)

Security Bank, Federal Bank: Option Security Branch and Trading Security Branch
Investment Bank, World Bank: Property Bonds Investment Branch and Labour Investment Branch

World of Renaissance to Oriental: Ban Civilisation of Humanity (i.e. Sky Community) in Marriage to Tither Marriage, Islam Ally
World of Herald to Adventist: Promote Civilisation of Culture (i.e. Land Community) in Tither Carrier to Fallacy to Distortion Carrier, Buddhism Ally

Sodomy: Pilgrim
Virginia: Anabaptism

Errata 22Feb2023

Lent: Anti Semitic tendency
Passover: Anti God tendency
Economic Summit Congress: Currency War voided Sarah Law.
Ecumenical Judification: From Treaty, Policy to Protocol, the business thingy
Eschatology Calendar: Adventist calendar the lock 1, lock 6 those populated thingy.
In which the Ethnic Calendar corresponded with Galaxy Calendar i.e. Advent Calendar.

Errata 25Feb2023

Distorted Magic: Broken arrow.
White Magic: Holistic quantum arrow.
Dark Magic: Require external energy placebo.

Errata 5Mar2023

Glossary of Common Christology 基督救世军福音学
Thessalonians: Manchu.
Timothy: Mahathir. Dust liked Skin of Hebrew Clan of Alcohol. The Abraham of Queen Made, the Noel offspring. Analogy to Pisang Horn, Coffee Horn.
Private Duty, Church: Dust liked Skin of Gothic Clan of Water. Issuer of Bank Note the Horns. Analogy to Hollywood Brake, and Starbucks Brake.
Colonel Duty, University: Insure Premium the Brake.
Dogma, Covenant Job: Overhead the Preliminary Platform. Analogy to Sterling currency.
Singularity Blue Sea Dominancy 蓝海租界 (International Public Law): Undesirable the Social Harmony against Moses. Analogy to Currency Protocol of Heaven the Christmas Currency of failed Christmas Nativity.
Moses Red Sea Dominancy 红海国度 (God Kingdom): Desirable the Social Bonding against the Lawsets. Analogy to Currency Protocol of Heaven the Christmas Currency of failed Christmas Nativity.

4. The Technology & Science (United Nations Agency)

Upstream technology: Fundamental/Innovative technology rely on academic.
Downstream technology: Foundation/Frontier technology rely on experiment.
Health Law: i.e. Systematic Biology a.k.a. Robot Technology, Hardware. 12 symbol, 12 Robot Organs as well as 12 Human Organs corresponding to 12 Chemistry Compound, incl. 3 Energy Mechanism.
Psychology Law: i.e. Systematic Psychology. a.k.a. Robot Technology, Software. Intelligence, Emotional, Creative and Adversity Quotient. incl. Scalar Computer, e.g. Measuring software, Quantum Computer, e.g. Solver software.
Pharmacy: Enzymes, Hormones, Mucosa, Insulin corresponding to Stem cell, Vitamin, Analgesic, Steroid.
Artificial Intelligence: Technology about Automation and Robot. If Civilisation reach peak, beyond that would bring humanity destruction, point to Medicine Science and Telecommunication Science.
Augmented Reality: Technology about Machine and Robotic. If Civilisation reach a stalled situation, above that would bring humanity advanced, point to Logistic Science and Combustion Science.
Virtual Reality: Technology about Simulation and Computer. If Civilisation reach crisis, below that would bring humanity downturn, point to Engineering and Computer Science.
Economy Load: Quantity of Mainstream Population, as High quantity of Mainstream population comes
along reduced Economy Bill.
Mainstream population: The Bandwidth of telecommunication is the measure of Mainstream population.
Life expectancy: The measure of telecommunication bandwidth of a person, point to their endervour, ministry and life expectancy.
Harvest Gain Theory: i.e. Calendar Theory, a.k.a. Relativity Theory. The relationship of (Bandwidth of telecommunication)^power of X/(Half-life) proportional to (Harvest Gain). Analogy from Farmers and Fisherman. Half-life is a constant, but it depend on the gravitational field, i.e. moon phase. These contributed to Operation Management e.g. Agriculture, Food.
Chaos Theory: i.e. Time progression Theory, a.k.a. Entropy Theory, 2 way time progression, Closed form system, Predictable, Entropy, series events, Automatic Guiding, End loops, Analogy from Combustion Science. These contributed to Transportation e.g. Satellite, Jet.
Reality Decryption Theory: i.e. Augmented Reality Theory a.k.a. Feedback Control Theory, Algorithm Engine (Sensor, Encryptor) transfer to Combustion Engine (Actuator, Synthesizer) then to Film Engine (Gauge, Decryptor), Analogy from Computer Science. These contributed to Augmented Reality e.g. Mining, Construction, Nuclear Reactor etc.
Light Code Theory: i.e. Time Phase Theory a.k.a. Engineering Drafting Theory, 4 Distance Formula of 9 Planet, yield Hexagram Code to Moses Code then to Light Code. i.e. Metric system to Imperial system then to International Unit. These contributed to Engineering e.g. Telecommunication, Manufacturing.
Inheritance Decryption: There are Long generation, Wide generation interpolated to Orphanage generation, Broken generation and Ancient generation, which stick to inherited of father or mother gene. This constitute to the fundamental of medicine, called contagious disease.
Rocky Effect Decryption: There is a guarantee that mainstream will always remain constant, if there is guarantee victory; it has to uphold anything what confirmed and assured into equation of fighting. This constitute to the fundamental of manufacturing, called quality management.
Heaven Decryption: No more than 45 network. 3 network is coherent host. Each network has own translator as well as reflection. 18 same of a kind parallel network, 24 isolated series network. This constitute to the fundamental of social science, called mass media.

4a. Published (Croyals Medicine Agency 石医医学署)

Quantum Treasure: The Three Biblical Treasure from Initial Christian Judification to Final Revelation Judgement, which is grace alone, many alternative way.
Economic Treasure: As above.
Christian Mathematics: Technology
War Insight: Weapon Methodology to Quantum Treasure
Criminology: Biblical Sins
Ending of Biblical Villain: Biblical Sinner Penalty
Hybrid Engineering: Military Technology

Christian Politics: Social Science
Social Engineering: Social Scamming
Christian Medicine: Genealogy Technology
Christian Finance: Economic Methodology to Quantum Treasure
Classification of Ethnic: Ethnic Labelling & Graded
Politics Evolution: Series to Economic Harvest Reinvention

Biblical Application: Doctrinal Training
Christian Education: Theology
Puritan Music: Church Music

Errata 4Dec2022

Third World: The Utopia, defined by Stone Heritage Oriented. As this involved Trojan Horse, Word Prison, and Colony, correspond to Erotic Defect, Taste Defect, and Pollution Defect. Upside down of this is Oriental.
First World: The Renaissance, defined by Paper Heritage Oriented. As this involved Technology Frauding, Technology Hacking, Technology Scamming. Upside down of this is Promised Land.
Folks Revolution: The Cow Boy suit. White Supremacy. Pilgrim Heritage, Catholic Schism.
First of May Revolution: The Labour suit. Holistic Science, Fundamentalist Schism.
Thither Revolution: The Angel suit. Meta Correlation Schism, Puritan Schism.
Seal & Pirate: The Blueprint Decryption of Ancestry Heritage inheritor, Anointed Religion Duty.
Flagship & Imperial: The Blueprint Projection from Professional Technology Prestige, Specific Religion Prestige etc.
Signature & Testimonial: The Blueprint Cast out of Election Semitic Heritage and Ecumenical Church Anointed.
Official & Credential: Nativity & Meta. Possession of Authentic Inherit Blueprint. This begin with Migration/Exile of Major Prophet to Exile/Migration of Minor Prophet. i.e. Primary Atonement, Corner stone, and Redemption.
Meta Law: Directional, from top to down.

Errata 13Dec2022

Dead Sequence: One major Schism and one minor schism and one diminished schism.
Utopia Beta: Industrial Revolution to Third World Manual Mode Engineering the Metrology Administration Products Fulfilment, a.k.a. Home Office Revolution. The Major Schism the 1st Dead Route. i.e. Democrats.
Promised Land: Industrial Revolution the 3rd, to Utopia Final Autopilot Mode Engineering the Robotic, a.k.a. Natalie Career Revolution i.e. Semitic Career. The Minor Schism the 2nd Dead Route. i.e. Nationalist.
Renaissance: Industrial Revolution the Final Pilot Mode Engineering the Simulation, to First World, a.k.a. Intellect Career Revolution i.e. Christian Career. The Diminished Schism the Fire Lake Route. i.e. Republican.
Oriental: Ecumenical Maturity Milestone yield the Industrial Revolution the Original, to Automatic Holistic Engineering Mode e.g. Infrastructure Cast Out. The Major Schism to Resurrection the 1st. i.e. Democracy.
Advent: Eschatology Events. Industrial Revolution the Greatest Time Lapsed, to Man Made Reinvented Engineering Mode e.g. Telecommunicational Medicine Projects. The Minor Schism to Resurrection the 2nd. i.e. Monarchy.

Errata 30Nov2022

Footprint: Cast Out, Holoscopic the Axis of 3per
Foot-ink: Plotted, Aerial the Axis of 2per
Footage: Projection, Pentecostal the Axis of 1per

Sky App: Remote i.e. Client, Official & Legitimated Signature
Land Rover: Hostage i.e. Protocol, Certified & Tested Flagship
Sea Gate: Hosting i.e. Port, Opened & Operating Seal

Remaster: Cast Out, Orthogonal the Axis of 6per
Jeopardy: Plotted, Homogenous the Axis of 5per
Pilgrim: Projection, Holistic the Axis of 4per

Profit Ruler Grading: 7th, 6R, Marketplace, Commercialised
Margin Ruler Grading: 1st, 4R, Summit, Legitimated
Datum Ruler Grading: 6th, 3R, Dispatch, Publicised
Progressive Grading: Generic, 1R to 3R, Cluster, Cultivated

Latin Numbering: Generations
Roman Numbering: Series
Greek Numbering: Dimensional

Firefox: Landing
Netscape: Mapping
Explorer: Rolling

Errata 17Jan2023

Stellar: Universe Crystallisation, Organic Lambda #1-14
Sterilisation: Energy Crystallisation, Chemistry
Stellalisation: Social Crystallisation, Chemical

Artefact Boomerang: Quantum and Graded Schism merging is Lock 1 years, the 500 iteration.
Decorate Boomerang: Alternate to Extra Schism merging is Lock 10 years, the 5000 iteration.

Errata 23Jan2023, 7Feb2023

Reynold: moles number X Constant= Meta Tither per Pi Number
Meta Scaled Boundary Footage, Property Value: Based on Reynold Number

Snow Train: Partial the Event Occurrence Rate
Transformer: Trinity the Intelligence Knowledge Value
Iron Man: Mono the Environment Hue Depth
Crabmachine: Multiple the Spiritual Nerve Power

Laboratory Estate: Headquarter the 11th
Tower Landscape: Less 1 Pillar

Errata 7Feb2023

Cast Out Technology

Pi Roll Automated Enclosure (Switcher):
Linear Matrix the Linkage Processor (Staging): Transformer, Motorised Power, Packet exchanger, Air compressor, Commuter
Universal Transducer the Coding Looper (Watcher):
Meta Router the Coring Solver (Jumper): Intelligence, Broadcast, Commuting

Errata 16/17/18/25/27Apr2020, 19/21/23May2020, 8/14/16/21/22/23/27/28Jun2020, 3/9/11/24/30Jul2020, 13Aug2020, 15Sep2020, 13Oct2020, 25/27/28Oct2020, 9/13/16Jan2021, 13Mar2021, 12Oct2022, 30Nov2022, 4Dec2022, 2Jan2023, 11Jan2023, 23Jan2023, 7Feb2023, 12Feb2023, 4Mar2023

Artefact Boomerang: Quantum and Graded Schism merging is Lock 1 years, the 500 iteration.
Decorate Boomerang: Alternate to Extra Schism merging is Lock 10 years, the 5000 iteration.

Errata 23Jan2023, 7Feb2023

Reynold: moles number X Constant= Meta Tither per Pi Number
Meta Scaled Boundary Footage, Property Value= Based on Reynold Number

Snow Train: Partial the Event Occurrence Rate
Transformer: Trinity the Intelligence Knowledge Value
Iron Man: Mono the Environment Hue Depth
Crabmachine: Multiple the Spiritual Nerve Power

Laboratory Estate: Headquarter the 11th
Tower Landscape: Less 1 Pillar

Errata 7Feb2023

Series: Modular->Terrestrial of Skim, Axis
Generations: Crab->Face Lift of Skew, Plane
Rolling: Scalar->Wind Mill of Screw, Axis cum Plane

Errata 16/17/18/25/27Apr2020, 19/21/23May2020, 8/14/16/21/22/23/27/28Jun2020, 3/9/11/24/30Jul2020, 13Aug2020, 15Sep2020, 13Oct2020, 25/27/28Oct2020, 9/13/16Jan2021, 13Mar2021, 12Oct2022, 30Nov2022, 4Dec2022, 2Jan2023, 11Jan2023, 23Jan2023, 7Feb2023, 12Feb2023, 20Mar2023

Copyright (C) 2023, Ryan Lai Hin Wai, All right reserved.