Y54. A Good Vaccine, might not fit everyone, but fit certain people with brilliant results. High Literacy meant Active Vaccinated, Not Passive Vaccinated.

The difference between Architecture and Arts are enormous. Applied Arts Science and Architecture Science is difference. So we know in terms of Vaccine, those Renaissance Country has the best methodology in seeking the Vaccine. And these should applied the same to UK and the Oxford University researched Vaccine.

You can compare Apple to Apple, but not Apple to Orange. Survivor of Fitness applied. The choice upon your side. Vaccine is not meant for Macroscopic scale (Statistically), but Microscopic scale (Benchmark). Two range of vaccine one stand out in term of Benchmark, one stand out in term of Statistic. Apparently this is a Super range vaccine.

For any Vaccine, in priority, Young people is recommended more than Aged people, due to health status.

There are marketing segment for each vaccine, ought to select the right segment, e.g. Super range or Mild range. A Good Vaccine, might not fit everyone, but fit certain people with brilliant results.

Vaccinated Rate and Literacy rate is linear but depend on the availability of vaccine. India, Africa has low literacy rate, its no much we can done beyond Praying to God.

But some Asia country has literacy rate especially Chinese, the problem arise due Vaccine Availability. This is blame to Covax organization vaccine distribution, not depend on literacy rate. And the Organization responsible should inclusive UN.

Copyright (C) 2021, Ryan Lai Hin Wai, All right reserved.