B12. List of churches 教会简介

Believe in Creationism theology 创造论
Salvation by faith (forgiveness) 因相信得救
Equal unconditional salvation 平等与无条件得救
Fundamentalist 基要派;Presbyterian 长老会
Eastern Orthodox Church 东正教教会
Latter day Saints church 耶稣基督后期圣徒教会 a.k.a. Christian Science Church 基督教科学派教会
Believe in Arminianism theology 阿民念主义
Salvation by work (obeying) 因事工得救
Justified conditional salvation 指定但有条件得救
Reformed 归正派;Methodist 循道宗
Anglican 圣公会
Seventh-day Adventist Church 基督复临安息日会
Christian Perfection:Regeneration,Righteousness
Believe in Calvinism theology 加尔文主义
Salvation by love (repentance) 因悔改得救
Predestined conditional salvation 预定与有条件得救
Pentecostal 五旬节派;Congregational 公理会
Lutheran Church 路德宗教会 
Jehovah’s witness church 耶和华见证人
Speak in tongue:Justification,Holiness
Believe in Anabaptism theology再洗礼论
Salvation by hope (offering) 因受难得救
Randomised unconditional salvation 随机但无条件得救
Evangelical 福音派;Baptist 浸信会 
Catholic 天主教
Assemblies of God Church 神召會
“Truly I tell you, some who are standing here will not taste death before they see the Son of Man coming in his kingdom.” Matthew 16:28 (NIV) 
站在这里的有些人,在还没有尝到死的滋味之前,必定见到人子在他的国度中来临。” 马太福音 16:28 (CSBS/CSB)

Commentary 注释: Salvation is: 1.Randomly Chosen or 2.Equal Chosen or 3.Justified Chosen 
得救是 1.随机选择,2.平等选择,3. 定义选择。

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