B1. Logical Type of Church 教会的逻辑分类 – Nine portion of Church Ministry 九份教会事工

1. Presbyterian: Canonical-logy i.e. Calvinism Theology –
“[Pressing toward the goal, Author: Christine Claydon 向标杆直跑, 作者: 洪温柔]”
->Advanced Civilisation & Religion Unity

2. Methodist: Ecclesiology i.e. Arminianism Theology –
“Ministry of God”
->Algorithm of Anti Disaster

3. Congregational: Advent Theology –
“Ministry of People”
->Algorithm of Anti-Crime

4. Catholic: Mariology i.e. Anabaptism Theology –
“[Stream in a desert, Author: Mrs Cowman 荒漠甘泉, 作者: 考门夫人]”
->Spiritual Walk through

5. Fundamentalist: Scientific Theology –
“[Intelligent Design 101: Leading Experts Explain the Key Issues, Author: H. Wayne House]”
->Pseudo Science & Break through

6. Anglican: Vision Theology –
[Faith, Hope, Love 信,望,爱 https://www.fhl.net/main/] >
->Validation Islam Law

7. Charismatic: Systematic Theology –
“[Know what you believe, Author: Paul E. Little]”
->Spiritual Warfare

8. Pentecostal: Victory Theology –
“Enemy Guideline”
->Risk Management & Psychology

9. Lutheran: Christology i.e. Salvation Theology –
“Application of Ten Commandment”
->Fireproof Salvation

Spiritual Christianity

a. Charismatic: Holy spirit is depend on personal grace. One Holy Baptism
b. Pentecostal: Holy spirit is depend on occasional event. Meditating & Repentance.

Scientific Christianity
a. Evangelical: Bible is highly concise. Canon of the Bible & Story Argument.
b. Fundamentalist: Bible is highly accurate. Light of the Bible & Scientific Concept.

Let both grow together until the harvest. Matthew 13:30
”让两样一起长吧,直到收割的季节。“ 马太福音 13:30

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