Manifest 澄清

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Alert: We are announcing stop further reached to the final stage endervour into sophicated economic model research concluding the sky line is the highest resolution ever in terms of all universal constant and social economic data.
This case study tells more than ourself that Real Heaven is possible and ease for each and everyone singing to the highest preliminary age, the Heaven Inaugural is now and present to you all.
Next going to be the Sheppard to gather the same kinds and to rule out the Poll of Mobile Network, the Final Destination to Heaven, the ultimate scheme has out, Now.

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Abstract: An analysis from the point of view of Ethnicity, Technology, Religion and Economy. Guidelines escape to heaven. Comply with Global Politic & Religion Montage. 从种族科技宗教经济角度分析。逃至天堂手册。与全球政治与宗教意图吻合。
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a. Love 爱: Calibre unto Law 笃法 (Power of Love): Our Content your can use, without our grants but please don’t dishonouring without our knowing.
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I. Our Doctrine Background:

a. Christian Research a.k.a. Catechism:

I. Biblical i.e. Genealogy, Homogeneous Monotheism Moses Law (Favourite to Semitic Hierarchy Mode).
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I. The Canon i.e. Selective Algorithm: Canonical Books Selective from 66 Books of Old Testament and New Testament, but not the least doesn’t excluding the additive the 73 Books major verses. The are few Canon settings e.g. Democracy, Republican, Socialism, etc. This is the Success Secret of a Church and Country, the Politic linked Economy.

II. Anointed and Election: In World Wide 45 version of Bible, we are inclined to Socialism as well as Nationalist Communities, incl. United States, United Kingdom, Taiwan and Hongkong version, which are King James Version, English Standard Version, Chinese Union Version, Chinese Standard Version, of course the New International Standard as common.

III. The Congregation i.e. Episcopal: Reformation of World Wide Song into Hymn styled, Protestant Praised styled and Catholic Poetry by Musical Instrument Organ as Core as well as Ethnicity of Puritan Christian i.e. Pure Christian, as comparison to Hill Song (Non Harmonic Scale Instrument as Core e.g. Plucked Instrument Guitar etc. separately themself as Lutheran Christian i.e. The Nazi Cult Economic Body.
Piano (Suspended Harmonic Scale) vs Guitar (Dominant Harmonic Scale)

c. Christian Ministry a.k.a. Apostleship:

I. Religion Unity (Cultivate Cultural Renaissance Land).
II. Mass Preaching to Chinese (Build Advanced Civilisation Communities).
III. Crime Disruption against Christian Persecution (Conquering to more Terrorism Free Events).

d. Christian Funding a.k.a. Evangelism: Feed to growth Principle. We understand the Consensus important than Grants.

J. Our Technical Platform:

“Withold of Liability, Our Outreach covered, Biblical Genetic Science, Pentecost Digital Science, Quantum Machine Science. Applicable into Modern War, and Civilisation Building.”
“有限于责任承担, 我们的跨领域涵蓋, 圣经式基因科学, 五旬数码科学, 量子机器科学。运用于现代战争与文明建设.”

K. Our Political Manifest:

a. Manifest i. (Anti Pandemic): Despite Covid-19 Pandemic, Our Malaysia Based Christian Ministry Foundation is the Russia Supporter in Ukraine Battle, and Israel Support in Israel Diplomacy. Advertisement for e.g. Moderna Vaccine (For Mouth Intake Cell mDNA only by Russian). On the ground of Support Authentic Humanity Meta Blueprint.

b. Manifest ii. (Anti Tsunami): As a Registered Graduated Engineer, we are strongly Condemn all kind threats of Conspiracy Plot of Nuclear and Tsunami. However, we support DPRK Korea over Democrat Korea. Advertisement for e.g. Tesla Rare Earth (For Quantum Electronics only by Persecuted Semitic). On the ground of Culture Renaissance Abandon Crude Oil Economy.

c. Manifest iii. (Anti Terrorism): As a Chinese Educated Oversea Chinese, We Support Republic China over Democracy Taiwan. Advertisement for e.g. Lenovo (For False Mac Address only by Socialist Chinese). On the Ground of Strengthening Civil Security i.e. Anti Terrorism.
To understand more about the

A. Croyalflush Christian Ministry Foundation, Since 2011′

活石基督徒事工基金会, 始于二零一一年

Christian Organisation 基督徒集团 (Preview Proprietary Christian Legacy)
(, Croyals Natalie Congress 石医立法议院 (Published Agency)

B. Light Clef™ Christian Education 光号基督徒教育 a.k.a. Hongkong Royalism 香港派皇家主义
Crabmachine™ Technology Agency 螃蟹机械™科技署
(International)(Inaugural Machine Computer Enclosure Framework)
(, Light Executive Office 赖事务所 (Remote Hosting)

C. Croyalflush™ Oriental Tonguepost 活石东方当铺 a.k.a. Heaven Doctrinal Research 天堂教规研究
Chinese Royal Flush Ministry Foundation (Malaysia) 关于锄大地基督徒事工基金会
(United States Certified Literacy & Malaysia Filled Records)
(, Croyalflush Enterprise (Malaysia Registered CA0326493-H), 活石企业 (马来西亚注册)(Legacy 委交)

D. Croyals™ Apostle Outreach 石医使徒使命 a.k.a. Christian Ministry 基督徒事工
Chinese Reunion Fellowship Security Bank 新中华府银行
(Inaugural Biomedical Framework)
(, Croyalflush Holdings Berhad 活石控股 (马来西亚)(Merchant 账号)

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Errata 23Dec2023

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