D7. Mariology i.e. Anabaptism Theology, Salvation by Hope (Inter way)

i. Anabaptism Theology

This is the step of tax, to the heaven when judgement day.

Anabaptism Ministry: The step of Justification: Confession of Past doing whether is it good or bad.

  1. Reconciliation with Church.
  2. Blind Faith in Jesus and journey with God.
  3. Sacrament: Holy Baptism with water rinsed.

Preference to Pre-Baptism
Holy Baptism, supplement with Tithe, over Faith, but equivalent.

Opposite to Post-Baptism
Faith, supplement with Fire Baptism, over Tithe, but equivalent.

ii. Marriage Law

  1. Three Level of Christianity Marriage Doctrines
    Hard Acceptable Level, Lutheran: Abortion堕胎: yes; Birth Control不可避孕: no; Divorce离婚: nor
    Normal Acceptable Level, Orthodox: Abortion 堕胎: no; Birth Control不可避孕: nor; Divorce离婚: yes
    Easy Acceptable Level, Catholic: Abortion 堕胎: nor; Birth Control不可避孕: yes; Divorce离婚: no
  2. Three Level of Prohibited Sex
    Lutheran: Heavy sins, Same sex marriage 同居/Gay基佬/Lesbian丫环/Peeper瞥佬/Quit sex戒色
    Orthodox: Normal sins, Transsexual变性/Feminine阿瓜/Tomboy男人婆/Single love自恋狂/Plato柏拉图
    Catholic: Small sins, Homosexual同性恋/Gigolo鸭子/Sisterhood阿姐/Hunger被爱狂/Erotic重情欲
  3. Three Level of Adultery
    Lutheran: Heavy sins, Divorce i.e. Sex after marriage: Bar girl (relation oriented) (Marriage Affair target)
    Orthodox: Normal sins, Abortion i.e. Sex before adult: Escort (sex oriented) (Raping target)
    Catholic: Small sins, Birth Control i.e. Sex before marriage: Massage (service oriented) (Prostituting target)

Lutheran: Heavy sins, Mistress小三/给绿帽戴 (Sex after marriage), Blind Love (pursue sex)
Orthodox: Normal sins, Lame劈腿/给绿帽戴 (Sex before adult), Adultery (pursue love)
Catholic: Small sins, Prostitute妓女/给绿帽戴 (Sex before marriage), Prostituted (pursue money)

Lutheran: Heavy sins, Toy boy小白脸/戴绿帽 (Sex after marriage), Blind Love (pursue money)
Catholic: Normal sins, Prostituting man嫖客/戴绿帽 (Sex before marriage), Adultery (pursue feeling)
Orthodox: Small sins, Pimp龟公/戴绿帽 (Sex before adult), Prostituting (pursue sex)

Lutheran: Same Sex Marriage & No Heterosexual *especially prostituting->Prevent from Mental Health.
Orthodox Christianity: Plato love & No Homosexual->Prevent from AIDS.
Catholic: Multiple Marriage & No Erotic Defect *adultery->Prevent from Cancer illness.

*Man & Women slight difference. Women cannot pursue marriage for Sex; Men cannot pursue marriage for Money.

  1. Four Division of Marriage
    Good Division, Holiness: Love exchange Love.
    Bad Division, Blind Love: Money exchange Love or either way.
    Bad Division, Adultery: Love exchange Sex or either way.
    Bad Division, Prostitution: Sex exchange Money or either way.

*Be careful about blind love, prostitution or adultery. Neither are correct.
No exchange with money, no exchange with sex, no exchange with love.
But exchange love with love. (An analogy to amplifier.)
Any man or women lunatic in sex or rich in money hard to find true love.

*Wife is gift. Husband is property. Men courtship women is good but women courtship man is wrong.
Every women are gift if she is worthy in terms of holiness & creditability or virgin.
*Love is holistic & individual. But marriage must be formal, a marriage is hold if and only it is witnessed by Abba Father, Both Side Parents and with at least one supporter, total 5 entities.
*The hymen of women is virtue of women before marriage, the ‘hymen’ of men i.e. appendix is virtue of men after marriage, both of which defines holiness.
*Hard acceptable adultery is for those not seeking true love for marriage. Normal acceptable adultery is erotic defect i.e. compromised sex for either women or man before and/or after marriage.

iii. Erotic Defect

What definition of Erotic Defect?
Erotic defect is adultery.
General definition is man or women pursuit love for sex before marriage as well as conversely after marriage.
Whoever compromise of these is called erotic defect, and doesn’t limit to women only.

Maid丫环 seeking money: true
Jinx狐狸精 seeking love: true
Witch巫婆 seeking sex: false

Masker蒙面侠 seeking sex: true
Follower跟班 seeking love: true
Bodybuilder大只佬 seeking money: false

For Women:
Bread or Love or Sex?
Answer: Love is preferential when both old and young. Choose Money if family is poor.
Evil for women sex before marriage.

For Man:
Job or Marriage, or Title?
Answer: Marriage is preferential when both old and young. Choose Title if you have responsibility.
Evil for man work for money.

Does it bad for poor couple marriage?
This is out of topic of erotic defect, but ethic of marriage.
Yes, why not, in fact wealth is common shared. But those poor shall not raising children, if they are continuing poor after marriage.

False Sex (Offend Man)
Adultery wrong (i.e. No Holiness wrong)(No Hardcore)
Sex Abuse wrong (i.e. Practical Love wrong)(No Softcore)

Before Marriage
No Sex Abuse for man. (Catholic Doctrine)
No Adultery for women. (Orthodox Doctrine)

After Marriage
No Sex Abuse for women. (Catholic Doctrine)
No Adultery for man. (Orthodox Doctrine)

False Love (Offend Women)
Agape wrong (i.e. No Holy wrong)
Blind Love wrong (i.e. Secular Love wrong)
No Agape for women. (Old Testament Doctrine)
No Blind Love for man. (New Testament Doctrine)

iv. Doctrine Methodology i.e. Christian Music

Doctrine of Hells

Interposed 2 Spiritual Age, and Interposed 2 Physical Age
Yield 9 Planet.
3 Planet out of 9 Planet are 3 network host i.e. coherent Heaven.
5 Planet out of 9 Planet are 42 cultures and civilisations i.e. Paradise.
1 Planet out of 9 Planet are 18 type Hell, the worst one, but the futuristic, pillar of most, i.e. Socialism or Capitalism.

Without Heaven then without Hell. It is vice versa. It is when the social order and social harmony reach hybrid, in which the 3 and 42 and 1 cultures and civilisations are determined. i.e. network host.

*Highlight that the Spiritual Growth and Physical Growth is equally important. Don’t change your network, it always upgrade.

Doctrine of Church Music
Same apply to Music. 9 Category.
3 Category is the best one, Hymn, Poetry, Organ
5 Category is the undetermined one, i.e. Sentimental.
1 Category is the worst one, but the futuristic, pillar of most, i.e. Electronic Music i.e. Indie or Jazz.

It is when the Rhythm pattern and Melody Algorithm reach hybrid, in which the 3 and 42 and 1 tolerance and variation i.e. music genre are determined. Don’t change your music genre it always upgrade.

Doctrine of Theology
Same apply to Theology. 9 Category.
3 Category is the best one. Arminianism Theology, Systematic Theology, Vision Theology.
5 Category is the undetermined one, i.e. Scientific Theology
1 Category is the worst one, but the futuristic, pillar of most. i.e. Calvinism Theology or Christology.

(All Right Reserved Ryan H.W. LAI)

v. Mariology i.e. Christian Law a.k.a. Dogma

  1. Warning of Erotic:
    Raping: Sex dysfunction
    Sex after marriage: Impregnancy
  2. Ethic of Erotic:
    Girl top man down before marriage: Racial riot
    Girl down man top after marriage: Betray
  3. Liability of Erotic:
    Hymen before marriage, asshole after marriage: Protect from divorce
    Nipple of man: Non important
  4. Mariology in Business Management Policy and Politic Diplomacy

Biology Science EQ: Foods, Agriculture, Medicine
Warning (NG): Poisoning Label i.e. Criminal Law->Misconducting
Ethic : Nutrition Supply->Loyalty
Liability (NG): Taste Budget->Satisfactory

Computer Science EQ: Manufacturing, Construction, Architecture
Warning (NG): Bribery i.e. Commercial Law->Environment Friendly
Ethic: Religion Charity ->Term and Condition
Liability (NG): Launching Timeline->Phase Evolution

Astronomy Science CQ: Technology, Military, Telecommunication
Warning (NG): Data Protection i.e. Intelligence Law->Cost->Group Assurance->Compensation->Finance Tax
Ethic (NG): Prospect Direction->Function->Global Mission->Mutual Benefit->Economic Value
Liability: Law Infringement->Quality->Certified Vision->Goal->Interest->Accounting Budget

Natural Science CQ: Geography, History, Tourism
Warning (NG): Censorship i.e. Civil Law or Terrorism->Fine
Ethic: Underground style->Bidding or Promotion
Liability (NG): Safety->Insurance or Risk Management Products

Social Science IQ: Politic, Sport, Music
Warning: Frauding i.e. Commercial Law->Advertisement Cost
Ethic (NG) : Contribution->Brand Uniqueness
Liability (NG): Tendency->History Background

Copyright (C) 2021, Ryan Lai Hin Wai, All right reserved.