B14. Methodology to Holiness 圣洁的方法

Certified way (i.e. Open door, High Quota but High failure rate, long run)(1st Class)
High filled Holy Spirit, Low temptation, Low Ripe Fruit (Analogy to Blackjack)
Holy Baptism is the method for high reward but long term against evil i.e. sell.
Official way (i.e. Narrow door, Normal Quota but Normal failure rate, normal run)(2nd Class)
Normal filled Holy Spirit, High temptation, High Ripe Fruit (Analogy to Poker)
Anabaptism is the method for glory but lose to evil i.e. buy.
Underground way (i.e. Closed door, Low Quota but Low failure rate, short run)(3rd Class)
Low filled Holy Spirit, Normal temptation, Normal Ripe Fruit (Analogy to Baccarat)
Pre-Baptism (Sacrament) i.e. Christianity Believer is the method for vain but readiness against evil i.e gift.
Conversion way (i.e. Open door, High Quota but High failure rate, long run)(1st Class)
High filled Holy Spirit, High temptation, High Ripe Fruit (Analogy to Roulette)
Post-Baptism (After-death) i.e. Non-Christian is the method for victory but long term against evil i.e. tax.

“Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it. Matthew 7:13-14
“你们要从窄门进去;因为那通向灭亡*的门是大的,那条路是宽的,从那里进去的人也多; 然而,那通向永生*的门是多么小,路是多么窄,找到它的人是多么少。 马太福音 7:13-14

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