Genesis 创世纪
1. Jehovah耶和华 – The first rule out the World. Creating the Universe in 7 days.
2. Adam亚当–The first man. Sin because of forbidden fruit.
3. Eve夏娃–The first women. The rib bone of the first man.
4. Noah 挪亚–The end time man. The Election of the Best.
5. Abraham亚伯拉罕–The first believer of God. The early bird deserve the best rewards.
6. Jacob雅各– The early generation of believer of God. The late comer deserve penalty.
7. Joseph约瑟–The last generation of believer of God. The non-inviter deserve the remark.
8. The Legacy of Computer Science & Medicine.
Exodus 出埃及记
1. Moses摩西–The anointing men for Manifest of God. Possess Magic Power.
2. Joshua约书亚–The success men for Manifest of God. A helper.
3. Ten Law of Commandment 十戒律法 – The Wording of Manifest of God to Gentile.
4. Tabernacle 帐幕 – The Architecture of Manifest of God to Christian.
5. The Legacy of Computer Science & Engineering.
Leviticus 利末记
1. Clean and Unclean Food示洁与不洁之生物
2. Regulations About Testing Skin Diseases 检验大麻风病之例
3. Regulations About Testing Molds 检验霉变衣物的之例
4. Cleansing From Defiling Skin Diseases 患大麻风者成洁之例
5. Cleansing From Defiling Molds 染疾之宅成洁之例
6. Discharges Causing Uncleanness 患漏症等疾之例
7. The Legacy of Medicine & Engineering.
Books of Wisdom 智慧书
1. King David 大卫王 –The King of Jews. Expert in Musical Instruments.
2. Solomon 所罗门 –The son of King David, involve adultery before marriage. The composer a lot Holy Songs after marriage.
3. The Legacy of Music, Architecture, Logistic i.e. Transportation and Medicine
Nehemiah 尼希米记 1. Foreigner Judah Nehemiah, rebuild the Wall of Jerusalem. 在异国的犹大人尼希米修复耶路撒冷城墙。 2. From then, the Ban of Judah to Foreigner Marriage. 从此禁犹大人异族通婚。 3. The Economic War promote Religion Unity incl. Technology Evolution.
Esther 以斯帖记
1. The story begin with India and Persia. 故事发生在印度与波斯。
2. Jude only inheritance of mother gene. 犹大人遗传母亲基因。
3. Esther, daughter of Jude married to India King, the India once belong Jude conquer, in fact but not. 以斯帖嫁给印度王,印度曾经是犹大人的管辖, 其实不然。
4. The Technology War, incl. Telecommunication, Robotic.
起初,神创造天地。2 地是空虚混沌,渊面黑暗, Genesis 1:1-2
Commentary: Dust Quantum Theory, World instantiate with Dust Quantum, the Fusion Mechanism, and end with Dust Quantum, the Solar Activities. No Single Dust will loss but it will not join, yet it will stick back to the origin.
No joining can do.
你必恋慕你丈夫,你丈夫必管辖你。 Genesis 3:16
Commentary: Jehovah is Trinity God the 1st.
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