B12. List of churches 教会简介

Believe in Creationism theology 创造论Salvation by faith (forgiveness) 因相信得救Equal unconditional salvation 平等与无条件得救Fundamentalist 基要派;Presbyterian 长老会Eastern Orthodox Church 东正教教会Latter day Saints church 耶稣基督后期圣徒教会 a.k.a. Christian Science Church 基督教科学派教会Pentecost:Sanctification,Faithfulness Believe in Arminianism theology 阿民念主义Salvation by work (obeying) 因事工得救Justified conditional salvation 指定但有条件得救Reformed 归正派;Methodist 循道宗Anglican 圣公会Seventh-day Adventist Church 基督复临安息日会Christian Perfection:Regeneration,Righteousness Believe in…

B8. Christian Finance 基督徒金融 Part B. Theorem of Monetary 货币论

Underground Money 黑钱e.g. 黑道 (反骨仔)Technician, and Corrupted SuperiorHigh tax Money 高税率现款Scientific Error 变妄想症Solution: Donate to Charity 乐捐 incl. Disciple Offering 门徒’奉献‘ Black Cheque 黑支票e.g. 白道 (姑爷仔)Professional, and Corrupted CompanyNon Lasting Business 非长线生意Psychological Error 变性冷感Solution: Quit and Serve Ministry of God 义工 incl. God Ministry 属神‘事工’ Platinum Card 白金卡e.g. 正道 (大哥大)Politician, and…

B6. Christian Research & Code Dissemination 基督徒研究与信号分析

Christian Law, e.g. Light Code Business Management 商业管理Telecommunication 通讯, Economic 经济, Trading 贸易, Finance 金融Christian Science, e.g. Morse CodeAstronomy Physics 天文学Design 设计, Electronics 电子, Electrical 电机, Nano 纳米Christian Mathematics, e.g. Hexagram CodeArts 艺术Logistic 运输, Music 音乐, Medicine 医学, Architecture 建筑Five type of Catholic Church –…

B4. The Ending of Biblical Villain 圣经里坏角色的结局

Devil 魔鬼/Dragon龙And the devil, who deceived them, was thrown into the lake of burning sulfur, where the beast and the false prophet had been thrown. Revelation 20:10然后那迷惑他们的魔鬼被丢进烈火和硫磺的湖里,就是那兽和那假先知所在的地方;他们将日夜受折磨,直到永永远远。启示录 20:10 Antichrist敌基督/False Christ假基督/Beast兽even now many…

A13. What Buddhism and Hinduism Believe in? 佛教和印度教相信什么

Hinduism denominationMulti-theism including Meditation-focused religionHinduism 菩萨Trinity-ism including Ministry-focused religionTibetan Buddhism 喇嘛Monotheism including Prayer-focused religionThai Buddhism 佛陀Partial Theism including Philosophy-focused religionNilBuddhism denominationMulti-theism including Meditation-focused religionTaoism 神仙Trinity-ism including Ministry-focused religionOrthodox Buddhism, 活佛Monotheism including Prayer-focused religionNilPartial Theism including…

A11. Concept of Christianity 基督教的构想

A. Core: Electric 核心:电力3 dimension,code 三次元,密码Trust God :信任上帝Money:Identity 金钱:身份Laplace transform Law,Fact,Secret 拉普拉斯变换法则,事实,秘密Occurrence:99%, error 1% 发生率:99% 错误 1%Medium:Universe,Obstacle is electrical 媒介:宇宙,阻碍是电力Loss 1% to Laplace (light)  失去 1% 于光的移位Networking:10 Commandment of Law 十戒B. Key: Light 关键:光4 dimension,word 四次元,文字Obey Holy Spirit : 服从圣灵Efforts:Timing 所付出:时间Chaos Theory,Reality,Truth 混屯理论,真实,真理Occurrence 93%, predictable 发生率:93% 可预知Medium:Earth,Obstacle is mechanical 媒介:地球,阻碍机械Loss…

A10. Love Credit 爱情学分

*The love mentioned in 4 Gospel are differ in terms of Holiness, Endervour, Grace and Righteousness.*4本福音书的表明的爱是不同在于圣洁的观念,努力的观念,运气的观念与公义的观念。 Light光*Non holiness彩虹(Active & passive)Tolerance宽容Chaos theory混沌理论Predictable 可以预测Guarantee with condition条件保证*No Grace 没恩典No envy 不嫉妒No troublesome不麻烦Rule 法则*Not righteousness不公义Investment 投资Meaningful有意义Burden 负荷Shortcut 捷径Formal 正式Word文字Accurate 准确Not Action不是行动Always succeed一定成功Active 主动Patience 耐心Agreement 合约Place 地点Harvest 丰收Once only 只可以一次Kind 仁爱No…