Reading Policy 阅读政策

Reading Policy (i.e. The Information Contract Acts)

1. Devotion to Croyalflush Ministry Foundation: Instead of Charity, we consider our self as Functional & Solution Oriented Organisation exclusively to served God Ministry in terms, a. Christian Commission (Hymn Music Dominance, Information Management), b. Visionary (Christian Education, Technology Discovery), c. Missionary (Economy Miracles, Economy Science Breakthrough), d. Milestone (Theology Reinvention, Crime Disruption Objective). Hence, we are not accepting any Devotion in terms of Monetary forms, instead of that, Courtesy if those Legacy devotion via Author’s Church Fellow & Islam Neighbour, Family’s Connection, Alumni & Profession Union, Nationalist Network are appreciated. Those Legacy has growth into Copyright as time goes by.

2. Copyright: U.S. Copyright Registration Number: TX0009184097, 2022-07-17 & TX0009107799, 2022-04-02 & TX0009116908, 2022-01-21, (United States Government Issue), Right and Permission under Claimant LAI Hin Wai. Purchase the Paid Content for free reading, and that is Public Property. According to Information Contract Acts. Those content in these website belong to Scientific & Theology Research Topics. Those Production, Reinvent, Publish or Abuse shall bear the Certain Responsibility or Consequences. The Copyright is certified and belong to Author, non-permit Transfer & Sell beyond Author Family, to achieve for high level confidentiality. The Copyright owner has the alteration and destruction rights, but same time bear the Full Responsibility or Consequences if infringe Law. Alternative, to deny Responsibility Bill is to convert the Copyright to Trademark or Patent or Service Mark, or Mental Abduction Burden.

3. Legacy: Delegating to Blooded Brother Tevin LAI Hin Lun, & Sister, as well as One & Only Architect Friend Daelynn LOH Wan Yee, whoever secure the Legacy requirement and fulfilment. For Legacy donation you may approach the Secretary at The Legacy contain Intellectual Property Assets and own it at condition of Fully Redemption of Undisclosed Missions or Contracts else Frozen Assets. Alternative, to deny Obligation of Missions or Contracts Tax is to transfer the Legacy, or Jail Terrorism Burden

4. Declaration: Croyalflush Ministry Foundation and Founder doesn’t involve any monetary activities such as Security Investing or Land Property nor any Intellectual Property Copyright Selling except the e-commerce store. We don’t written support but ignoring any kind of activities involving Terrorism, Mafia, Organised Conspiracy, Cold War, World War.

5. Manifest: Our Reinvented Applied Physics & Christian Education Solution focus on Resolution & Regeneration Information Management, & World Threat, especially Climate Change, Nuclear Ransom, Virus Variant Funding, Conspiracy Terrorism. In Addition, our Proprietary Economic Science & Theology Research focus on Decryption & Reformation of World Economics Miracles, & Economy Conspiracy hiding in Digital Economy, Clean Energy Economy, Rare Earth Economy, Knowledge Economy, Infrastructure Economy.

6. Finance Sponsorship: Gift owe to those Reputable Audit Profession i.e. Green Cards, Red Cards, Information Platforms, Ethical Property owner with Active Users Formally Compliment in this Ministry.

Copyright (C) 2021, Ryan Lai Hin Wai, All right reserved.