C7. Rocket Science Methodology and Responsibility Law Proven 火箭科学方程式与责任法验证

More commitment with less ability is good, good attitude.
Less commitment with more ability is wrong, attitude problem.

*This show Responsibility Law and ‘Holy Spirit is not grace’ proven.

e.g. Application to, Escape to Heaven/Business Strategy/War Strategy

Thrust – Hardware Capital
Robust important than Stable (Reconciliation)
Volume better than Value. (Infrastructure)
->Sentiments important than actual. (Weapon)

Fuel – Routine Ministry
Persistence important (Key word)
Always Improving to finished, don’t acting. (Recipe)
->Freedom policy (Mission)

Trajectory – Personal Constitution Manual
Concise more important (Own version Bible)
Don’t plan ahead, but readiness. (Knowledge Base)
->Never terrorism but warning. (Recruiting Soldier)

Load – Disaster Liability
Burden is good (Gentile)
Good bye rather than Sorry, never reject. (Customer)
->Build Ally rather than build Enemy. (Communication Network)

Truly I tell you, it will be more bearable for Sodom and Gomorrah on the day of judgment than for that town. Matthew 10:15
在那审判的日子,所多玛和格摩拉之地所受的,将要比那城还容易受呢! 马太福音10:15

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