1. Japan – Chosen Pseudo Science technology over Engineering Science.
– Miracle has bad ethic and no roadmap, and Technology has good ethic and long roadmap. Technology with Miracle has dispute ethic, and short roadmap.
一个邪恶、淫乱的世代会寻求神迹,可是除了*约拿的神迹以外,不会有神迹赐给它了。” Matthew 16:3-4
2. United States – Chosen Wage oriented technology over Donation oriented technology.
– Ought to differentiate Ministry and Job, and cannot served slaved Job but served Passion job.
腰包里不要带金银或铜钱。在路上不要带行囊,不要带两件衣服*,也不要带鞋子和手杖,因为工人配得自己的食物。 Matthew 10:9-10
3. Hongkong – Chosen ‘Crime Syndicate disruption’ over Key Person Disruption.
– All Crime Syndicate are conspiracy, due to the Key Person.
让两样一起长吧,直到收割的季节。 Matthew 13:30
4. Taiwan – Chosen Stir World War over Diplomacy.
– Desperado need World War, but not contenter.
我来并不是带来和平,而是刀剑, Matthew 10:34
5. Ireland – Chosen Surgical Medicine and Psychiatry Drug over Vaccine & Detox.
– Our body immunity system is far more important than metabolism system and hormones system.
你们不要怕那些能杀死身体却不能杀死灵魂的;反而倒要惧怕那位能把灵魂和身体都毁灭在地狱里的。Matthew 10:28
6. United Kingdom – Chosen Telecommunication over Handshake Meeting.
– Family Bonding is valuable than Community, Country and even Church.
凡是为我名的缘故而舍弃房屋,或兄弟,或姐妹,或父亲,或母亲,*或儿女,或田产的人,都将得到百倍,并且继承永恒的生命。 Matthew 19:29
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