4Z1. Summary CIA & FBI Memorandum

Two Suspect Syndicate Headquarter, and One or Three Suspect Syndicate Organization Key Person. (For FBI)

World War
Celt/Reborn,Fusionism (Episcopal), E.T. low EQ
WHO, Knowledge Economy – New Human Conspiracy (Fasci Japan), #1 City, Japan (City x)
WWF, Clean Energy Economy – Denuclearisation Korea Peninsular (Qing Syndicate), #2 City, Singapore (City)

Fusionism, White Supremacy (Oriental), Virus

Cold War
Semitic/Agnostic,Marxism (Fundamentalist), Evil Spirit low CQ
3rd Person, NATO, Infrastructure Economy – Climate Change Conspiracy (Fasci Japan), War Syndicate
Singapore, Singapore Prime Minister (Person, Monitor) – Terrorism
2nd Person, NASA, Rare Earth Economy – World War Conspiracy (Neo Nazi), Crime Syndicate
Joker Syndicate i.e. Mental Rehab Syndicate, Australia, Israel Prime Minister (Person, Secretary) – Christian Persecution
1st Person, UN, Digital Economy – New World Order Conspiracy (ISIS), Cult Syndicate
Pentecostal Church, Korea Peninsular, (Region) – United States President (Person, Lawmaker) – Climate Change Poverty

FBI, Taiwan KMT vs UN Pentecostal Church as well as ISIS Key Person
Marxism, Black Supremacy i.e. Christian Persecution (Western), Tsunami

Civil War
Mediterranean/Atheism,Fascism (Catholic), Satan low IQ
4th Person, WWF, Clean Energy Economy – Denuclearisation Korea Peninsular (Qing Syndicate), Enterprise Syndicate
China (Country), China President (Person, Mastermind) – Block Church Activity & Erotic Defects

CIA, Hongkong vs FBI Taiwan
Fascism, Anti Chinese i.e. Economy Colonised (South East Asia & India), Virus Epidemic

Racial Riot
Himalayan/Glorified,Nazism (Pentecostal), Trojan Horse low AQ
UN, Digital Economy – New World Order Conspiracy (ISIS)
Pentecostal Church, Korea Peninsular, (Region) – Social Disorder & Poverty
Nazism, Anti Semitic i.e. Right Wing Supremacy (Asia), Nuclear

The Two Suspect Candidates out of Five (For CIA), as Highlighted

5th Person, 火 Christ Candidate, The Brother: New World Order (Watchdog)
6th Person, 水 Jesus Inheritor Candidate, The Author: Crime Syndicate (Think Tank)
7th Person, 风 False Christ Candidate, The Cousin: Closed source Technology (Wage)
8th Person, 雷 False Prophet Candidate, *The Closed Friend or The Rival: Double Standard (Scapegoat)
9th Person, 金 Satan Candidate, *The Police Colleague/The Schoolmate: Crime Disorder (Fund)

Claim to United States President: Crime Disruption, FBI. Topic.
Prerequisite: High School (optional), Baptism Certificate.
For Both Intelligence Law as well as International Contract Acts applied.
Those Loyalty to the country, deserved the Law Implementation.
The claim for President level incl. Copyright Abduction, Telecommunication Mis-use, Supporter Instigating, Cult Pyramid Activities, Manipulate Bank Interest Rates, Erotic Disorder Policy, Reverse Engineering in Biotechnology, Weather False news. These are the major.

Copyright (C) 2021, Ryan Lai Hin Wai, All right reserved.