D10. Systematic Theology

i. Matrix of Love and Reforming in Four Gospel

Four elements of Love listed down.

Multi-theism: Rotation->Readiness->Homogeneous Testing EQ
Fate i.e. Faith, Repentance
Seeking of God: Saint

Trinity-ism: Compromise->Prioritised->Immediate Speaking CQ
Risk i.e. Hope, Ministry
Serving of God: Apostle

Monotheism: Conflict->Waiting->Spontaneous Action AQ
Sex i.e. Love, Wisdom
Marriage of God: Prophet

Partial-theism: Sacrifice->Optimised->Holistic Thinking IQ
Agreement i.e. Work, Testimony
Teaching of God: Disciple

John Gospel (Practical)

  1. Strong feeling 2. Troublesome 3. No Sex desires
  2. High risk 5. No Shortcut 6. Soul mate
  3. Different goal 8. Fate 9. Agreement
  4. Crazy 11. Not buy sell 12. Formal

Matthew Gospel (Theoretical)

  1. Light feeling 2. No troublesome 3. No Sex desires
  2. Low risk 5. Shortcut 6. Soul mate
  3. Same goal 8. Fate 9. No Agreement
  4. Mental healthy 11. Not buy sell 12. No Formal

Luke Gospel (Mirror)

  1. Strong feeling 2. Troublesome 3. Sex desires
  2. High risk 5. No Shortcut 6. No Soul mate
  3. Different goal 8. No Fate 9. No Agreement
  4. Crazy 11. Money minded 12. Informal

Mark Gospel (Host)

  1. Light feeling 2. No troublesome 3. No Sex desires
  2. Low risk 5. Shortcut 6. Soul mate
  3. Same goal 8. Fate 9. Agreement
  4. Mental healthy 11. Not buy sell 12. Formal

ii. Know What You Believe i.e. Christian Mathematics

Spirit and Subconscious: Holy Spirit vs Evil Spirit; Spirit (Build), 灵
Birds 鸟类, Dinosaurs 巨龙, Reptile 爬虫类
Strong Spleen, Weak Pancreas (High CQ, Low AQ): Serpent/Zombie (Evil Soul), Jesus (Trinity-ism)
Bible & Church: Matthew Gospel, Four Gospels, Apostolic Church, Apostle
Salvation & Sin: Sanctification, Pentecost, repentance to Jesus, Holy Baptism, clear past sin, faithfulness
Things to come: Money in heaven, 福 (CQ), Paradise, Effort, Time, Honour
Holy Spirit: Faith: Scientific Belief, Love: Repentance, Hope: Holiness
Trinity God,3 in 1: Jesus & 13 Apostles,1 entity sovereign 3, (powerful, theory, nonlinear) (After Jesus risen, obey Gospel rules); Predestined (Fate); Four-way Optimised Reward (Help Needy)
10 commandment application, Righteous good, Wicked good; Fully constraint, Control Biological Body; 人
Belief: Scientific, Theory, 50% occurrence(shield),50% accuracy (middle loss), Light, Apostle

Ghost and Senses: Holy ghost vs Evil ghost; Ghost (Senses), 魂
Plants 植物, Mushroom 菌, Insects 昆虫
Strong Inner Ear, Weak Spleen (High IQ, Low CQ): Devil/Vampire (Evil Spirit), Christ (Monotheism)
Bible & Church: Luke Gospel,5 books of Law, Fundamentalist Church, Prophet
Salvation & Sin: Justification, Speak in tongue, acceptance to Jesus, Holy Sacraments, clear original sin, holiness
Things to come: Money in earth, 禄 (IQ), Secular World, Suffering, Identity, Virtue
Holy Spirit: Faith: Trust, Love: Waiting, Hope: Fearless
Monotheism,1 in 3: Christ & Jehovah,3 entity sovereign 1, (absolute, law, linear) (Before Jesus risen, obey 10 commandment law); Fatalism; Three-way Polarised Credit (Help Foolish)
Holiness application, Righteous good, Wicked bad; No constraint, Control Physical Environment; 天
Belief: Virtual, Law,25% occurrence (shield),75% accuracy (low loss), Electric, False Prophet

Soul and Minds: Holy soul vs Evil soul; Soul (Power), 魄
Carnivore mammal 肉食哺乳, Omnivorous mammal 杂食哺乳, Herbivore mammal 草食哺乳
Strong Pancreas, Weak Sex Gland (High AQ, Low EQ): Jinn/Monster (Evil Body), Messiah (Partial-theism)
Bible & Church: Mark Gospel, Book of wisdom, Evangelical Church, Disciple
Salvation & Sin: Regeneration, Christian perfection, follow to Jesus, Holy Communion, clear present sin, righteousness
Things to come: Reward in earth, 祥 (AQ), World, Power, Thing, Confidence
Holy Spirit: Faith: Scientific Belief, Love: Repentance, Hope: Holiness
Partial Trinity God,3 in 2: James & Messiah.1/2 entity sovereign 3 (limited, nil) (During Jesus Advent, nil); Freewill; One-way Perpetual Ranking (Help Slave)
10 commandment application, Righteous nil, Wicked nil; Partial constraint, Control Physical Body; 地
Belief: Pseudo Science, Principle,100% occurrence (shield),0% accuracy (ultrahigh loss), Sound, Alien

Body and Sentiments: Holy Body vs Evil Body; Body (Emotion), 身
Deep Water animal 水底动物, Water Bed animal 水床动物, Water animal 水池动物
Strong Sex Gland, Weak Inner Ear (High EQ, Low IQ): Satan/Ghost (Evil Ghost), Mary (Multi-theism)
Bible & Church: John Gospel, Paul letter, Catholic Church, Saint
Salvation & Sin: Glorification, Theosis, offering to Jesus, Stewardship, clear future sin, harmony
Things to come: Reward in heaven, 寿 (EQ), Heaven, Miracle, Place, Pride
Holy Spirit: Faith: Blind Faith, Love: Review, Hope: Lead
Multi-theism,4 in 2: Messiah & Mary,2 entity sovereign 4, (total, theorem, irregular) (End world time, works and offering); Destiny; Five-way Omni Judgement (Help Innocent)
Holiness application, Righteous bad, Wicked good; Double constraint, Control Spiritual Body; 灵
Belief: Spiritual, Theorem, 75% occurrence (shield),25% accuracy (very high loss), Heat, Angel

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