Y58. How the dumping of Japan Radioactive water link to Olympic?日本核放射水排放之奥运会联想

If pee is permitted, which means you can drink. Japan Radioactive water permitted dump to sea, which means nuclear power generation plants is promoted.

In fact, Nuclear power generation should be banned. There is no protection against crude oil prices. And it stimulate the nerve of a nuclear weapon.

Beyond that, the influenced marine ecosystem could bill to Taiwan and China. Who going to pay? Today Nuclear Waste water, tomorrow Olympic Virus, all closed related. By “Rocky Effect”, this Pneumonia Virus power rely heavily on the success of the Japan Olympic. All are one chain.



另一方面, 对海洋生态的影响种种对台湾与中国都是个清单。谁来还钱?今天的核污水,明天的奥运病毒,息息相关。”石头效应“,这病毒能不能肆聂与奥运会能否成功也不可莫视。所谓的一条龙。

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