C4. The Ultimate Platform of Climate Change Solution to where the Anti Semitic rooted 气候变化方案平台即反犹太主义扎根之地

Human Right preference Politic, against Social Disorder
When comes to Anti Semitic, most of us incl. Chinese are often vulnerable in terms of Human Right, Poor Literacy, Poverty and Terrorism Threat. Anti Semitic is kind of social disorder, and now it happen in not only in real life but practically in most Christian Church. It’s the root cause of all e.g. Plague buffering, Climate Change Readiness, Technology Stalled Conspiracy.

Church Reformation, against Poor Literacy
Let’s find out more about Anti Semitic all around the globe. The cures is to Stop teaching Christianity to Black. The life will find a way. When it comes to religion equilibrium, most Chinese will accept Church one day. Then the day, we will strong enough to reject Anti Semitic, and eventually the world peace, utopia and heaven. Okay,where is the epicenter? The place where Christian Persecution comes to critically zero. The Plague buffering disrupted, if Religion as well as Spiritual comes to crisis.

Economic Transformation, against Poverty
It equivalent to Anti Racist, Anti Colonial. It’s not matter about Black or White, It just like rolling of Snow ball, but incl. Black, and Chinese. Nazi and Neo Nazi. Those Slave inclined Company called Nazi. i.e. Supply Chain Company. Those Crime inclined Company called Neo Nazi. i.e. Franchised Company. Poverty apparently high if continue stay in Ecological Economic model. The New Economic i.e. Universal Economic make use of Financial model to damp out Terrorism.

Religion Unity, against Terrorism
No mention about Chinese risen threaten to Western world, talk about Data Thief, Reverse Engineering,
Weapon, Spy activities. Wisdom and Intelligence has no ethnicity stamp and no time stamp. But, it’s a
infringement to keep those critical intellectual property without application, this is called Technology Stalled Conspiracy, and related to Nuclear weapon. Climate Change is the derivative measure or reflection among these three, i.e. Nazi Company, Christian Persecution, and Terrorism.

Examples Ministry:

Social Reorder Campaign; Covid-19 Lockdown (China)
Stop building African Church; Tony Tong Evangelistic (Taiwan)
New Economic Model; Brexit (United Kingdom)
Teaching Intelligence Law; Black Life Matter Protest (United States)

He said to them, “If any of you has a sheep and it falls into a pit on the Sabbath, will you not take hold of it and lift it out? Matthew 12:11
“你们当中有哪一个人,如果他有一只羊在安息日掉进坑里,他不会抓住羊,把它拉上来呢? 马太福音 12:11

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