B11. Theorem of Holy Spirit 圣灵论

Biblical View 
There isn’t Holy Spirit mentioned in Old Testament, before Christ Era. Holy Spirit is imaginable only in New Testament’s Gospel, when there is Jesus risen as well as Trinity God After Christ era. In New Testament’s Gospel, when the God Kingdom near, most people will be filled with Holy Spirit, and speak the same tongue language for communication spiritually. Holy Spirit isn’t filled by grace but by responsibility, and Holy Spirit is from perseverance. 

Scientific View
The Holy Spirit is non existence, it is by projection of Trinity from Systematic Theology in which you can not see, touch, sense or test it but purely by feeling. That is to strengthen the nerve cells and its functions. How much Holy Spirit depend your bearing status, if you are highly loaded, then more Holy Spirit, if you under loaded, then less Holy Spirit. Holy Spirit connecting thru nerves for communication purpose, and Holy Spirit is from momentum. 

Holy Spirit’s Gift
Health Talent 
Martial Art Talent 
Driving Talent 
Music Talent 
Leadership Talent 

Holy Spirit Fellowship 
Holy Spirit is as thought as voice, so it harmonised itself by multiplied, diminished thru fellowship. 

Evil Spirit 
When Dark Age, there are mirror of Holy Spirit thru Idol-ship called Evil Spirit. It is to act against the Trinity God Jesus in multiple way as fruit of spirit, e.g. Bible Teaching, Mass Preaching and Fight Against with illness, etc. 

incl. Holy Baptism, Gesture Sign of Cross, Cross Symbol Tattoo, Sacrament Dinner, Holy Prayer, Christmas Celebration, Reconciliation with Israel, etc. 

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