TonguePost™Rise 舌邮阁

Enoch,… to convict all of them of all the ungodly acts they have committed in their ungodliness, and of all the defiant words ungodly sinners have spoken against him. Jude 1:14-15

The Croyalflush Library required variety and high allergy content in terms of Multimedia.

e.g. News Paper Opinions, Inspiring Photographs, Fighting Arena, Disaster Scenes, it has to rule out the humanity crime tendency portfolio.

Of course this is the least important part, the important part is the Reader Digest which required High Energy Focus on dealing the Solving the sophisticated Global or Neighbourhood or Personal Financial Burdens or Issues.

The wide coverage and focus Journal, Bulletin, Books, Business Review, Technology Whitepaper, Military Illustration etc.

“A Good Library is nearly a Church”

Not everything is bad, but concern is on the beneficial to the Entirely and Ultimately Humanity Prosperity in the Skylines.

  1. Zion: Forum – Social Engineering Think Tank, (Legacy thief, Colony) – Prison
  2. CIA: Channel – Terrorism Scapegoat (Trademark thief, Trojan Horse) – Bankruptcy
  3. KMT: Broadcast – Church Library
  4. UN: Post – Marriage Media
  5. WWF: Review – Economy Foundation
  6. WHO: Journal – Medicine Myth Discovery
  7. FBI: Bulletin – Economic Conspiracy Funding (Copyright thief, Word Prison) – Mental
  8. NASA: Whitepaper – Technology Miracle Invention
  9. Vatican: Census – Politic Insight Evolution
  10. Nato: Whiteboard – War Insight New Milestone

Errata 6Oct2022

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