B10. Traits of Advent of God Kingdom 天国复临的迹象

Matthew Gospel->Socialism->New Literature is valuable. New Hardware is valuable. ->Food and Beverage Industry
Mark Gospel->Religionism->Old Literature is valuable. Old Hardware is valuable. ->Manufacturing Industry
Luke Gospel->Capitalism->New Literature is valuable. Old Hardware is valuable. ->Chemical Industry
John Gospel->Racialism->Old Literature is valuable. New Hardware is valuable. ->Construction Industry

*Entropy and Social Disorder is opposed each other, ‘The old is new, the new is old’ advocate by ‘Matthew Gospel’.

By Chaos Theory, Time is two way progression. Social disorder is decreasing with time, there is begin of world. Social disorder is increasing with time, there is no begin of world.

By Thermodynamic 2nd law, Entropy is increasing with time in closed system, there is end of world. 

Entropy is decreasing with time in open system, there is no end of world.

*For each, the Old literature is comprehensive and the New literature is systematic; Old hardware is crystalline, New hardware is purity.

He said to them, “Therefore every teacher of the law who has become a disciple in the kingdom of heaven is like the owner of a house who brings out of his storeroom new treasures as well as old.” Matthew 13:52
“为此,凡是成为天国门徒的经文士,就好比一家的主人,从他的宝库里拿出新的和旧的东西来。马太福音 13:52

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