D11. Victory Theology a.k.a. Suspended Sovereign of God, Salvation by Pre-Selection

i. Risk Management Strategy

Pentagon Logo, number 16
Satan e.g. Lion Low IQ; aim Vulnerable point, high occurrence low destruction
e.g. Health, Hospital

Star Logo, number 17
Devil e.g. Wolf Low CQ; aim Main point, mid occurrence mid destruction
e.g. Career, Mental Rehab

Hammer Logo, number 15
Serpent e.g. Tiger Low AQ; aim Blind point, low occurrence high destruction
e.g. Marriage, Death

*IQ Physical Health is Strong/Vulnerable point, Uphold Threat, durable and reliable.
Friend is Satan, the executor.
Lose and Accept

CQ Mental Health is Important/Main point, Uphold Temptation, once broken is void.
Enemy is Devil, the head.
No lose & No risk, Pending

EQ Dental Health is Weak/Blind point, Uphold Risk, if dismiss might resume.
Rival is Serpent, the mastermind.
Risk and Reject

*Strong/Vulnerable point: withstand low damage, high accuracy
Important/Main point: withstand mid damage, mid accuracy
Weak/Blind point: withstand high damage, low accuracy

ii. Methodology against Crime and Terrorism

Against Crime activity
Reduce threat->Reduce the connection->Reduce Destruction
Precaution step
Civil circle->Not specific, Conditional
High IQ,focus

Against Terrorism activity
Increase risk->Increase the network->Reduce Occurence
Penalty step
Social circle->Specific, Non-conditional
High CQ,concurrent

iii. Victory Theology i.e. Christian Music a.k.a. Doctrine

‘Best Contributing Gospel Version’
in terms of Computer Science, Arts Science, Medicine, Applied Physics.
Original Version: Computer Science, Electronics Engineering (“Data Solver”).
Historic version: Arts Science, Civil Engineering (“The Build of Tabernacle, Exodus from Books of Law.”)
Present Version: Medicine, Chemical Engineering (“One earth. Two way time, parallel. Dual Cause and Effect.” ) ‘因为在你们祈求之前,你的天父已经知道’ Matthew 6:8
Future Version: Applied Physics, Mechanical Engineering (“Chaos Theory”).
The Best Contributing Version is the most Authentic Version.
Winner: Original Version, Computer Science “Data Solver”. a.k.a. Quantum Computing.

‘Musical Insane & Musical Healthy’
in terms of Martial Arts, Music, Logistic, Education.
Musical Insane Low EQ vs Music Healthy High EQ
Tactical Mistake vs Tactical Advanced i.e. Chinese Kungfu
Stiff Music i.e. Soft Rock vs Pendulum Music i.e. Hymns
Freeload, Air flight vs Payload, Sea navigating i.e. Civil Airline, Cargo Ship
Quarantine, Mass vs Burden, Selective i.e. Tertiary Education, Religion Education

Tactical Advanced
Interpose Low percentile and High percentile.

Tactical Mistake
Low percentile and High percentile mix.

Mission: Advent of Heaven & Resurrection.
Archive 4 Category
Advanced Civilisation, Economic Transformation, Technology Revolution, Cultural Renaissance,
by Risk Management interpose with Psychology Science high and low i.e. Islamic Law, and War Methodology.
It’s very complicated.

Be careful of differentiate by Sector i.e. Society not by Segment i.e. Geographical.

Copyright (C) 2021, Ryan Lai Hin Wai, All right reserved.