i. Monetary System
Sudden death ->Parallel World->Back to the future-> (same body but different soul)->Crime
(Body No Dead & Mental No Dead), (Reason Low CQ), Time travel
if high CQ, Promised Land
Vegetable death ->Reincarnation->New earth-> (same soul but different body)->Migration (Body
No Dead & Mental Dead), (Reason Low AQ), Change avatar
if high AQ, Superman
Natural death ->Resurrection->Heaven-> (same body & soul)->Poverty (Body Dead & Mental
Dead), (Reason Low IQ), Teleport Door
if high IQ, Hell
*High IQ don’t believe God is fully good, don’t believe there is enemy of God, so no eternal life.
*Holy spirit is priceless, must full hearted guarding it from secular temptation. Loss Holy Spirit and sudden death will go to different time line as hell. But Filled Holy Spirit and sudden death will go to the Promised Land.
Ministry i.e. Contribution AQ->Electric i.e. Money, IQ->Wave
Vibration, Resonance/Modulus effect e.g. Holy Communion/Justification/Forgiveness
No contribution->Sudden death low IQ
Villain: Damper, Sand e.g. Nerd, Complaint King
Hero: Amplifier, Spring e.g. Fever, Lunatic
To earn money by joining community club e.g. Ministry of God. i.e. Anti-Disaster Missionary
The Ministry i.e. Electric good to be cooperating.
It is transferable, and growth. It can be exchanged to credit. It’s depended on timing.
The money will forward to next generation both way.
It is counted as Group Success. Join Church fellowship and they can help you financially.
Testimony i.e. Work EQ->Light i.e. Credit, CQ->Particle & Wave Duality
Dispersing, Prism/Crystal effect e.g. Stewardship/Sanctification/Repentance
No work->Vegetable death low CQ
Villain: Dark matter, Thunder e.g. Prostitute
Hero: Burner, Lightbulb e.g. Princess
To earn credit by Active to Passive offering e.g. Unfailing ‘Rainbow’ love. i.e. One tenth offering
The Testimony i.e. Light good to be highlighting.
It is transferable and exchangeable. It’s depended on individual.
The credit forward to next generation either way.
It is counted as Personal Salvation. Believe in Jesus and he can clear your credit debt.
Great Commission i.e. Yield CQ->Heat i.e. Rank, EQ->Particle
Friction, Radiative/Conductive effect e.g. Holy Baptism/Glorification/Offering
No yield->Natural death low EQ
Villain: Insulator, Nylon e.g. Beggar
Hero: Semiconductor, Ceramic e.g. King
To earn Rank by giving Certification e.g. Official Marriage. i.e. Great Commission.
The Commission i.e. Heat good to be lasting.
It is not transferable and not exchangeable. It’s depended on event.
The ranking will forward to top generation one way.
It is counted as Racial Honour. Without society rank and you will be the greater in religion field.
ii. The Purposes of life (i.e. The demonstration of Bible and Quran supplementary)
Job->Perseverance (Intelligence Law)
”God helps those who persevere.” Quran quote
“The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few.”“收割的人多工人少” Matthew 9:37
Must be High Payout for not serving Society Needs.
Marriage->Wisdom (Criminal Law)
”Fear God and he will give you knowledge.” Quran quote
“and sold all he had and bought that field.” “就买下那块地” Matthew 13:44
Must be Pure Love for not False Witnessing.
Family->(Antonym:Wisdom)(Civil Law)
(Antonym of “Fear God and he will give you knowledge”) Quran quote
(“Antonym: and sold all he had and bought that field.”) (Antonym:“就买下那块地”) Matthew 13:44
Must be True Faith for not Instigating.
Rank->Verification (Commercial Law);
“Always verify.” Quran quote
“He overturned the tables of the money changers and the benches of those selling doves. ““推翻了换钱币的人的桌子和卖鸽子的人的凳子” Matthew 21:12
Must be True friendship for not for money sake.
What is life all about?
Life is about studying rank to land job.
Life is about securing job to get marriage.
Life is about raising parents to uphold rank.
If you have none of above, don’t worry.
Job is for retirement with financial assets.
Marriage is for resonance generations.
Rank is for tolerated passing hard mission.
Family is for regulated methodology of salvation.
So what is purposes of life?
Four area but one purpose, for the Gospel and the Theology.
Copyright (C) 2021, Ryan Lai Hin Wai, All right reserved.