C1. Wuhan Pneunomia Remedy i.e. Rootbeer a.k.a. Ginger beer 武汉肺炎特效药 i.e. 根汁汽水 a.k.a. 姜汁汽水

Wuhan Pneunomia Remedy i.e. Rootbeer a.k.a. Ginger beer

(WARNING: Drinking high content Alcohol lead to serious result, e.g. Methanol and etc.)

Wuhan Pneunomia (i.e. Noval Corona Virus)
Compliance with Pharmacy Foundation, Would be parallel with other Scientific Formula.

1. Active Raw Honey (Must be Wild)
Oppose Fungi

2. Carbonated Drink (Must be High Nutritious)
Gastro Detox

3. Whisky (Must High Purity Alcohol), Beer also okay.
Vital Capacity

(WARNING: Drinking high content Alcohol lead to serious result, e.g. Methanol and etc.)

*Liability void if not strictly follow guidelines.
*No Animal Trial, Quantity according Clinical performance.
*This remedy could directly impact the self recovery no longer than 1 month, based on individual.
*Minor, if keep a personal Medical Record could response to Drug Sensitive Symptom.

武汉肺炎特效药i.e. 根汁汽水a.k.a. 姜汁汽水


与基础药剂学相容, 可与其他科学药方平列。

1. 活性野蜂蜜(一定要野的)

2. 汽水(一定要高营养价值)

3. 威士忌酒(纯度高酒精),啤酒亦可



No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it. 1 Corinthians 10:13
你们所遭受的试探*,无非是人所遭受的。神是信实的,他不会让你们受试探过于你们所能受的;而且在你们受试探的时候,他会给你们开一条出路,使你们能忍受得住。歌林多前书 10:13

Copyright (C) 2021, Ryan Lai Hin Wai, All right reserved.