Y1005. Breakthrough Technique IV: African Democracy, Japanese Imperial, Chinese Freelance Mafia Judi Express (Broadcast)

i. Dato 拿督: Brunei 文莱, Federal Government Free Trade Zone – Oriental for Commonwealth Church Reformation Merdeka of Singapore Malaysia Merging (Against Christian Empire Underground Machine Pollution Protocol Operation & Illegal Imperial).
Emperor Business vs Western Nazi Funds
Sufism Islam Representative, Small Keris Sultan
Republican Communism, African Democracy – Chinese Mainland, Republican Democrat Totalitarianism Party *Debate 1: Democracy Western Technology Treasure not suitable for Islam. Before Merdeka – Dead or Alive Marty Legislation Eucharist Judgement
SGMY Merdeka 星马独立 – Church Reformation Singapore Malaysia Merging, Holysee Eucharist Judgement. Free Speech Escalating to Private Royalist Management, as well as Machine Pollution Protocol. – Oriental Vatican’ Wing the WHO Episcopal Colonisation Initiative

ii. Pelangan 港主: Johor 柔佛, Monarchy Democrat Constitution Congress – Utopia for Independence of Malaysia (Against Western Monarch Improper Islam Religion Discriminated)
Imperial Union vs Japanese Nazi Scapegoat
Sunni Islam Representative, Badges Sultan
Oriental Royalist, Japanese Imperial – Chinese Hebrew, Commonwealth Premises *Debate 2: Monarchy Democrat only suitable for Islam Religion, not other wise even Western. Before Independence – Judi Express Legacy into Income Tax Rebate Federal Bank Monetary Issue Government
Federal Bank Malaysia Independent 中央联盟解体 – Monarchy Democrat Islam Recognition into United Nation Congress.
UN Federal Bank Recognition Awarded

iii. Batik 港督: Ipoh 怡保, General Election Federation Government Academy – Promised Land Economic Model Perpetual Souring the New Israel Revival Eschatology. (Against Fig Tree Cult Government Academy Scholar Training Education)
Freelance Mafia vs Chinese Nazi 2nd Home Think Tank
Shia Islam Representative, Long Keris Sultan
Communist Nationalist, Freelance Mafia – Chinese Semitic, Federal Premises & Asia 4 Small Dragons *Debate 3: Anti Semitic Economics Social Hierarchy Job & Crime Reordering. Before Israel Revival – Eschatology Tax Model, Criminology Blueprint & Calendar Union Un-Errata – FBI Errata Commission Pending
New Israel Malay Federation Revival 马来联邦复国 – New Economics Model Labour Tax Blueprint Development into Israel Revival Eschatology Calendar Timeline,
Australia-Malaysia-Singapore United Nation Independence from WWF Discrimination

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