Y1007. Breakthrough Technique VI: Four Gospel Binding Styled to Finale Land (Broadcast)

i. Oriental
Mother Inheritor: Christianity Sheep/Islam Goat
Armageddon Gospel, John Gospel: Remastered, a.k.a. Sanctification, Reborn to Christian
Sainthood Golgotha to Tesla (TW, KR) vs James Martyr [Eucharist Martyr]
Suitable: Jewish & Judah & Canaan & Gentile etc. Jacob
Jacob University

ii. Adventist
Father Inheritor: Christianity Goat/Islam Sigma
Systematic Gospel, Mark Gospel: Legacy, a.k.a. Justification, Anointed unto Christian
Apostolic Galilee to Maxwell (SG, ISR) vs Joshua Exodus, Ecumenical [Judi Express]
Suitable: Hebrew, Gothic, Welsh, Scottish, Anglo etc. Noel a.k.a. Hebrew
Habakkuk Church

iii. Promised Land
Mother In-Law Inheritor: Christianity Sigma/Islam Lamb
Eschatology Gospel, Luke Gospel: Demo, Confession within Christians or Repentance being Christian
Discipleship Rainbow Bridge to Express Physical & Spiritual Resurrection, Pentecostal 7th Level Heaven i.e. Democracy (SHA, AU)
Suitable: Levi & Jude & Jews, etc. Abraham
Malachi Landmark

iv. Utopia
14 Generation Inheritor: Christianity Lamb/Islam Sheep
Synaetic Gospel, Matthew Gospel: Anthropology, a.k.a. Glorification, Sacred Hearted as Christian
Preacher Twin Galaxy to Spiritual Resurrection, Christmas the Eden Garden i.e. Dynasty (MY, US)
Suitable: Semitic Minority, etc. Adam
Hosee Casino

*Change of Sugar Ranking which after the Great Universe Phenomenon of Christmas Events.

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