Y1012. Breaking News: Biblical Healing to Dead End Mileage Vatican Religion (Channel)

A. Genesis, God Made the World
Protocol i.e. Principle ->Covenant [Almighty God thru Major & Minor Prophets]
Anti Disaster Global Threats
Population Census
Chartered [Calvinism, Social Security], Legacy->Eternal Fellowship

B. Gospel Prophecy, Church Salvation Journey
Covenant i.e. Moses Code->Dogma [Jesus thru Apostolic Church & Holy
Dogma Marriage & Job & Social Security
Financial Tax Model
e.g. Tax Model [Mariology, Marriage Dogma Security], Copyright->Forever in
Love the moment
[Currency & Politics Chronicle Progression 3 Memo, US Dollar Tangible 1per, UK
Pound Intangible 6per, TW Sterling Tither 12per], R1, R2, R3, R4 Money

Obstacle: Marriage Law Dispute->poise threat to Low Capita Credential, Private
& Clinical Laboratory Manuveur->Dogma Colonisation, [Cult Campaign for
Clinical Technology Lunatics]
Solution: Britain Kings [Last Orthodox Religion, i.e. Pureland, the Israel Revival
& Independence Day & Merdeka etc against Lambda Viral]

C. Revelation, Heaven and Ending
Dogma Code->Protocol [e.g. James & Joshua Bible Commentary Author &
Machine & Computer & Enclosure
Ergonomics & Ecosystem
e.g. ISO ASME, ANSI, JIS, METRIC [Christology, Life Security], Patent->Eternal
[US, UK,JPN,AU, SGMY], Einstein RNA #8, Newton RNA #3, Archimedes RNA #13

Obstacle: Autopilot Run Machine Protocol->poise threat to Low Capital Suburb,
Public & Justice Politics Manuveur->Biased Justice, [Fauci Politics for Genocide
Psychology Disorder]
Solution: Denmark Kings [Copenhagen Climate Windmill Protocol, Paris Climate
Accord Carbon Bill]

Copyright (C) 2024, Ryan Lai Hin Wai, All right reserved.