Y1015. Spiritual War I: Spiritual World Myth (Channel)

i. Exodus World: Isolated unto New Standard Time the Economics
Autonomy Continent, Security Bankroll ⾃治区 AU (A.D. 2020′ Gothic Calendar Correlation New Time saver)
Western Country Exodus Israel Revival: Oriental@Solar Ergonomic Calendar
From Utopia Eschatology Union: AU (In-Law Family, Union)
Bridging Heaven CAP rating, Olive Nativity: Eternal Fellowship, Major Prophet
Siblings has Salvator, Schism Core
Revival of Jerusalem Wall the New Reformed Jewish Church Founded 新迦
南⼈ –  Messiah, 6per Love Pillar Meta the Semitic Minority
False Christ, Armageddon Schism – CIA Nuclear (Martyr to Post A.D.

A.D. Schism – First World
Martyr Golgotha per Heritage Capital Union Moses Code Knot Level
Targeted Linger: Low Chronicle Meta per Capita Low GNP, Housing Hygienic
per Etymology, Martry upon Eucharist or Reborn as Christian, e.g. New
Undergraduate or Politics Populated, Correlation Eschatology Calendar

ii. Remastered World, Paradise the Engineered Heaven: First World Settlement by Satellite Legislation
Military Whistle Protocol, Metrology Imperial军事⽤途租界 MY (A.D. 2024′, Post A.D)
Islam Country Merdeka: Promise Land@Meteor Chronicle Calender
From Oriental Remastered Trial or Reborn Christian Golgotha 1-10 Liberal
ranking: TW (Father Family, Old School)
Engineered Heaven CPPC Rating, Christmas Nativity, New Olive: Eternal Life, Linger
Parents has Salvator Alternate Core  
Express Resurrection Christmas Nativity 耶诞 – Jehovah Witness, James
or Joshua 8per Meta Globalised Semitic
Devil, Alternate – FBI Terrorism to Tsunami (Easter to Pre B.C. Adventist),
B.B.C. Alternate – Fire Lake, Ghost as Stellar Hierarchy Head

Constitution Law
Judi Express Heavenly Judgement per Ecumenical Catechism
Present Stellar Head: Low per Capita Low GDP Credential Integrity Degree
& Western False Witness, Exodus upon Ecumenical Judi or Vulnerability
Escalation e.g. New Semitic Congress or New Federal Neighbourhood
Banking, Correlation Ecumenical Bankroll

iii. Holysee World, Dead or Alive to 1st Resurrection Bridging 7th the Real Heaven or Express Resurrection to Christmas & Paradise: Utopia by Climate Perfect Economic Souring Model
& Financial Tax Legislation, Chartered 经济特区 SG (A.D. 2027′, BBC)
Chinese Country Independence: Utopia@Comet Dynasty Calendar
from Adventist Beidou A-Z Fleas ranking: SG (Mother Family, Office)
Vatican Renaissance the Ending Mileage Pension Heaven CP rating, Fig Tree has
Leaf: Eternal Time,
Minor Prophet
Marriage Lover has Salvator Graded Core
Spiritual Resurrection to Easter Isle复活岛 – Jesuit J-suit 9per Timeline
Meta per Biblical False Prophet, Graded – ZION Genocide to Criminal (Eschatology Calendar to Post BBC Promised Land),
Post A.D. Graded – Hell, Linger as Ancient Dragon
Eschatology Calendar per Eucharist Dogma
Past Biblical Villain: Low Capital per Capita GNI, Marriage Hiatus & Acute
Disease, Eschatology e.g. Instrument Clinical Protocol unto New Climate
Accord or New Duty Calendar, Correlation Eucharist Imperial Time saver

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