Y1017. Spiritual War III: Interstellar to 3 Eschatology Parallel World (Channel)

UN per Solar Calendar: Alpha Seats, Beta Seats, Omega Seats

i. Federation Era [3year 3months], [Jerusalem Wall Revival & Rainbow Bridge
Sigma Preaching]- Anti Democracy Elections Protocol, Poverty Privacy Whistle
Policy ZION Genocide Sabotage
NATO Social Schism Core, Z 360deg Dogma Disorder, Job Security Limitation,
1,2,3 UN:AU Israel Revival: False Christ/Satan, CIA, Patent, R1 – Canon 2
Improvised->e.g. MNC Marketing Business, Basket of Currency [Eucharist
Cathedral Church, Prebaptism, Easter Time the Prayer Worship]
NGO Ministry a.k.a. Legacy Watch, End Chronicle, per 500 years
南洋政府 SG vs 北洋政府 NHK (Japan Civil War stir South Asia War Memo,
Pandemic the Anti Poverty Class for Clinical Colony & Dogma Marriage Defects
[Abraham Scams])

ii. Federal Era [20 years], [’38’ Wall to Berlin Wall]- Anti Dogma Compliance
Protocol, Natalie Human Right Acts CIA Mass Weapon Colony Accused
NASA 1,2,3 Social Alternate Core, Y 93.3% Gold Purity, Church Reconciliation
Limitation, Dust #6, #8, #9, Flipflop Speed Rate dBm Hectare Broadcast
Boundary, i.e. 1 to 1000 Shepard Man or Shepherd Dog – mDNA Acute
UN:TW Christmas: Devil/Man of Sins, FBI, Copyright, R2/R4 – Canon 1/Canon 4
Legacy->e.g. SME Security Business, High Interest Credit Card [Eschatology
Tabernacle Church, Post Baptism, Emmanuel Time the Leadership to
Charismatic Worship]
Charismatics Wave Campaign a.k.a. Reunion Watch, End Century, per 100 years
国⺠党 TW vs 满州政权 HK (Nazi Communist Nationalist vs Fasci Communism
Democrat stir Korea Civil War, Nuclear the Anti Dogma for Genocide Murdering
Terrorism Armageddon. [Dark Magic Sanctions])

iii. International Era [40 years], [Great China Wall to Mexico Wall] – Anti Semitic
Compliance Protocol, Credential Allergy, Intelligence Ransom Memorandum FBI
Terrorism Mastermind Sabotage
PC 1,2,3, Social Graded Core, X Mass Production Quality, Crime Disruption &
Genealogy Blueprint Limitation e.g. 99%, 99.99%, 99.9999% Virus Proof – RNA
UN:SG Merdeka: False Prophet/Serpent, ZION, Trademark, R3 – Canon 3
Impromptus->e.g. F&B Ante Business, High Tax Merchant Card [Ecumenical
Chapel Church, Theosis, Union Time the Sabath Worship]
Sabath Holiday a.k.a. Pension Watch, End Babyboom, per 20years
中南海机关 MACAO vs 中华同盟会 MY (Communist vs Communism stir Vietnam
Civil War, Tsunami the God Misconduction for Poison Gas & Poison Food
[Famine Sanctions])

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