Y1043. Four Major Parallel World for Answered of Prayer or Small Leap to Heaven (Bulletin)

I. Oriental Major Schism World: Reborn for Christian
Pentecostal Church, Vet Galaxy, as Angel Body vs Vet
12 Fruit of Tree
Eternal Meta (Shuzhou)
Fashioned Circle: as New Family
Flowers has leaf *Eco: Orchid
Merdeka, Human Right Awareness Campaign, Utopia MY F1
Islam Bank Globalisation, Utopia MY F2 tbd
Utopia US F4
Genocide Armageddon
Villain: Nazi Western
Mark Gospel, Systematic Matrix
Legislation: Whistle Policy for Gospel Leak
Hell: Islam Goat BRU – False Baptism – Agnostic False God Will
Total Sovereign: Biblical Genetic alone

II. Adventist Graded World: Rebirth for Christian
Easter Church, Solar Galaxy, as Heaven Body vs Linger
Book of Life
Eternal Heaven (Hangzhou)
Social Circle: Papa
Fig Tree *Perfect: Lotus
Tsunami Armageddon
Villain: Fasci
John Gospel,
Legislation: Eucharist for Insider Leak
Fire Lake: Islam Sheep ARAB – God Ministry’ Stalled, Body Timezone Capita
Trinity Sovereign: Risk Management Stellar Sense alone

III. Promised Land Minor Schism World: Express Resurrection for Christian
Sabbath Church, Milky Way Galaxy, as Genius Brain vs Guinea
7th Seal

Eternal Fellowship (Beijing)
Closet Circle: Parents’
Olive, Standard, Dust #8
Israel Revival 1st NATO Recognition – Utopia AU
Nuclear Armageddon
Villain: Hamas
Luke Gospel,
Legislation: Dogma for Witness Imprint Cookies Leak
Third World: Islam Sigma the First World Settlement – Poverty Town
Mono Sovereign: Devout Prayer alone

IV. Utopia Alternate World: 1st Resurrection for Christian
Emmanuel Church, Chronicle Galaxy, as Kings Marvell Body vs Spiritual Hijacked
7th Lamps
Eternal Life (Tianjin)
Public Circle: Mama
New Olive, Just-in-time->Dust #8 Pineapple, Peach etc.
SGMY Bridging dasantong – Utopia SG
Terrorism Armageddon
Villain: Christian Heresy to Cult
Matthew Gospel, Synaetic the Umbrella effect
Legislation: Technology for Plague Leak
Pension: Islam Lamb INDONESIA – Christian Fruit of Holy Spirit Immature,
Pension Capital
Partial Sovereign: Social Commuter alone

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