Y1076. Christian Persecution in 3 Memo Era, Duty Ransom, Financial Sanction, Pension Eschatology corresponding to Word Prison, Trojan Horse, Guinea Colony (Bulletin)

Sheep: Hebrew granted Dogma 30 yrs Golgotha

Lamb: Levi granted Holysee. 17yrs Beidou

Goat: Semitic granted Catechism 25 yrs Calvary

Armageddon Nuclear vs Nuclear Armageddon

Hebrew Calendar is Advent Rebirth Calendar¸James the Joshua 7th 100per Civilisation Government IPO Privatised Competition by Profit Margin from Shielding Specific Armageddon Threat the Majority.

Federal *Christian Martyr e.g Oriental Express Sanction = Qing Organised, ISIS Aqueda, Taliban. Funding

Federation *Christian Pension e.g. Judi Express Duty Ransom = Nazi, Neo Nazi, Fasci. Scapegoat

Globalisation *Christian Exodus e.g. Eucharist Judi Eschatology = Islam Jihad, Hamas

etcs. Think Tank

Eden Garden Landmark Christmas Path

Utopia Chronicle Invention Engineered Heaven Path

Promised Land Communities 7th Heaven Path

信’<3’ Moses Law->Moses Code, Synaetic Dogma, Maxwell [Righteous->Love, Pentecostal [Communist]

望’><’ Moses Law->Inverted Moses Code, Systematic Dogma ‘><’ Tesla Homogeneous [Capitalism]

爱 ‘U’ Four Gospel Puritan Dogma Celsius [Hope), Duty as Filial, Orthogonal Lent as Rule, Royalist ->[Nationalist]

公’}’ Eucharist Dogma Reynold [Justice] Biblical Sabbath as Covenant Democracy->[Democrat]

*Holistic Job & Marriage Dogma

R rating CP rating 8.023 Protocol

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