Y1114. Guinea Conspiracy insight on Energy Industry (Whitepaper)

i. 8g enzyme calcium formula petrol airplane [Hot Chamber] engine

Psycho Meditated Codec Coolant [Nuclear] – God Misconduction Clinical

Debate: Steam Generator fuel by Coal 1800s until modern, no needed Coolant as Pure H2O.

Commercialised: Western on [Pipe Line Supported Natural Gas, Carbo Active Generator], hence required no Direct Geothemal Humanity Carbo Exhausted System

ii. 7g plain carbon ashed alcohol stellarisation steam cyclic [Mechanism Matrix Generator]


Hygienic Abundacy Salted Oil [Bio Fuel] – Trojan Horse

Debate: Light Mill Generator & Natural Gas Pipe Fuel 2000s until Projected Future, no needed Salted Oil as Carbo Nutritious Buffer as Light Mill required only Rotary Motor.

Commercialised: Western on [High Cryptography Value Coal Steam Generator], No needed Bio Fuel the Light Milling Sea Wave Generator replaceable.

iii. 9g organic formula Petrol volcano carbonated [Compressor Generator] Bus

Lubricant Oil [Hydraulic] – Colony

Debate: Hydraulic Mill Carbonated Generator Modern era until Today, no needed Lubricant for Lathe Mill as Water alone suffice.

Commercialised: Western on [Expensive Jet Compressor DC Pump the Holiness Full Bandwith Living Stream Current], drain on Humanity Carbo not more dirty Lubricant, Despite on these many evolution to Finding the Finale Economic Prototype Model.

iv. 10.2 filled heavy metal carbite Petrol [Carbo Absorber] Engine car

Leaded Petrol [Combustion] – Word Prison

Debate: Unleaded Engine Dual Hot Chamber Scaled Down, no needed Leaded Petrol for Carbo Balancing.

Commercialised: Western on [Scaled Down Dual Hot Chamber Aircraft Engine Puritan the Unleaded Generator] particular specific High Civilised Western Made Sedan exceptional the Japan Made Subaru.

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