Y1123. Exemptional Domain Gating II: Understanding of Technology Leak Infringe (Broadcast)

i. Copyright: ISBN for Data Protection, e.g. Family Church per Country [Book of Life vs 7 Lamps]
Domain Granted: Hebrew Church & Reformed Church

ii. Patent: Publisher for Family Insurance, e.g. Logo for Income Duty [Tither vs 7 Bowls]
Domain Granted: Individual Pripertary

iii. Trademark: Patent Pending for Business Plan, e.g. Passphrase Archival Storage [Fruit of Tree vs 7 Seals]
Domain Granted: Semitic & Bi-Partisan

iv. Certificate: Company Financial Margin Guarantee, e.g. Security Bankrolls [12 Semitics Sect Judi vs 4 Creatures]
Domain Granted: Family Pripertary

Copyright (C) 2024, Ryan Lai Hin Wai, All right reserved.