Y1138. Pentecostal New Israel Revival: Wok Insfrastructure Blueprint, Book of Life Security Treasure & Fruit of Tree Nativity Wall (Bulletin)

i. Galileo Sheep as Lambda x 4, ~Gross Deficit GDP (4 Dragon SG, TW, HK, KR)
4’O clock [1xTangible 5% Tax, Service Tax], KR Won vs MY Token
Broadcast Network, Pentecostal [1 Banana by Job]
Flipflop – Jumper
Stream Feedback Controller [Eternal Heritage, by Intelligence
Protocol@Poison Bill per Matrice], Medicine CN Elections
Parents Families@Cloud, Lambda Possess Medicine Network
Bureau Official, Lambda [Habakkuk 津 SG], Mother as Lotus
Eschatology [Pension Official], Vatican Church, Official Anointed as Mark
Jesuit Society MY vs Habakkuk Zionism UK->Heaven
Timothy Nazi Organised IND
Stellar Head Man of Sins as Mountain Kings vs Confucian

ii. Beidou Lamb as Vet x 6, ~ Records Capita (Dollar, Won, Sterling, Token,
Yuan, Pound)
12’O clock [6xCurrency 8% Tax, Duty Tax], US dollar vs AU Sterling
Analytic Calendar Channel, Emmanuel [6 Powder by Charity]
Eucharist – UPS
Power Generator [Eternal Treasure, by Banking Capital, Land
Protocol@Carbon Bill], Blueprint IND Elections
Birth Nativity@Mountain, Lamb Possess Climate Channel
Credential Biased, Unicorn [Jacob 壮 TW], Ancestry as New Olive
New Nativity [Great Judi], Sabbath Church, Trial Anointed as Luke Gospel
Patriarch Agency RUS vs Patrick Security GER ->Rainbow Bridge
Thessalonians Fasci Communism KR
Stellar Head Satan as Sea Kings vs Zechariah

iii. Calvary Sigma x 5, ~Deficit ~ GDP per Capita (OCBC, UOB, HSBC, CITI, STD
10’O Clock [11xIntangible 7% Tax, Meta Tax], CN Yuan vs JPN Yen
Intelligence Protocol, Sabbath [11 Rose by Marriage]
Purity Gain – Router
Wind Ventilation [Eternal Fellowship, by Broadcast Network@Hormone Bill
per Metric], Genealogy EGY Elections
Union@Land, Sigma Possess Genealogy Protocol,
Records Certified, Sigma [Hosea 苏 SGMY], Offspring as Olive
Exodus [Judi Express], Easter Church, Trial Resurrection as John Gospel
Jehovah Witnesses Creationism TW vs Jehovah Witnesses Darwin IND-
Chinese Hebrew Hamas Dynasty MY
Lambda Ancient Dragon the Serpent as Heavenly Kings vs Lucky Angel

iv. South Polar Goat vs Lambda x 3 ~ Banking Capital (World Bank Pot Bond
JPN, Swiss Bank Insurance Bankrolls FRA, IMF Bank Investment Ante SG)
6’O clock [3xCredit Card 6%, Visa Tax], UK Pound vs EU Bucks
3 Puritan Land Protocol, Easter [3 Sotong by Family]
Circuit – Antenna
Fuel Engine [Eternal Salvation, by Calendar Channel, Social
Channel@Nicotine Bill], Climate, ISR Elections
Exodus@Harbour, Goat, Possess Social Channel,
Meta Public, Sheppard [Malachi 杭 NHK], Father as Fig Tree
Etymology [Pension Inaugural], Bi-Partisan Church, Express Resurrection
as Matthew Gospel
Christian Science Mary Baker US vs Christian Education Elizabeth FRA-
Twin Galaxy
Philemon Neo Nazi Democrat GER
False Prophet & False Christ & Devil as Earthly Kings vs African Supremacy

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