Y124. Plague Survival Kit (Journal)

General Medicine

It is believed the Plague pro Cold Blood, and these linked to Personal Genetic Behaviour.

Its a progressive Loop to achieve Guarantee Recovery and Prevention. Such as following.

1. Preventive Occurance: Herd Immunity e.g. Group Quarantine or Individual Mask.

2. Nurition Treament:  e.g. Atkin Diet Programs, and High G.I Diet Programs (Cola is myth).

3. Physiology Therapy: Vaccinate 2nd or 3rd Dose. The more the better optimisation.

Genetic Medicine a.k.a. Psycho Science

In Spiritual War against the Plague, has to be start from such as following.

1. Intellectual or Wisdom: Keyhold to Personal Mental Capability Reserved.

2. Religion or Christianity: Avoid Idolatry and Military Tattoo.

3. Monetary or Credit: Keep healthy financial activities.

Errata 3Nov2021

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