Y133. Heaven Decryption & Crime Disruption Summary Poems (Bulletin)

Nazi and Neo Nazi, United States and Australia, West Germany and East Germany. If you forgive people, people forgive you. If you don’t forgive people people will not forgive you. You both are blacklisted. Please tell your next generation. Stop playing trick. Don’t Push Japan and Singapore. This history recoverable. You are K.O. United Kingdom, here my report.

Finished. Whats next. Pentacostal 3rd Wave. Its United Nations formed, and African Leading. After World War II. Pyramid Theory Working. Its Spread, Merge and Growth. Until Present. Single Entity Boundary will formed. People called Promised Land. Economics Premises. Asia Four Dragons. That would be Pentacost Era.

After 5G‘ From God Partial Sovereign to Fully Sovereign. Material Wave different, Light Code different, etcs. Of course, Messiah Born. a.k.a. James Bond.Heresy Religion rise. Christianity intrusion to China. Silk Road Begans. Called End Time Era. Satan Release from Prison. All Casting Out. Right Time of Advent. 1st Resurrection. Halloween day. That is a formula. Keep flowing.

Which Promised Land is true Oriental? Three Out of Five. Oriental is Heaven. Continental, Great Eastern, Oriental Pearl, etc. The competition between Asia 4 dragons. Find out the Best Economics Model or System. The rest of the country will adapt the Economic model and World become homogenous. This is the Free Loop until End Loops. In between the loops, there are New Moses, New Solomon, New Noah and New Joshua. Industrial Revolution, Medicine Renaissance, Economic Breakthrough, Religion Evolution. Until Messiah comes and growth up become Mary. The Terminator. The End World Judger. A to Z.

There are turn back too. The contest of Canaan, Eden Garden. The Correlated Loops in replace Semitic. This often called One world Two System. Capitalism Economic Model. or Laplace Transform in Federalism Economic Model. Called Retro Era. back to 500 years or 200 years. Guess A.C. 800′ to 1000′ years. This Phase is Islam Civilisation. We enjoy the Expensive Telecommunication, Cruel Vet Medical, Pseudo Science Machine. That is called Monalisa.

Alpha & Omega may start another civilisation over and over again, in replace Islam.

3 Scenario

1. 5G Oriental (Terminator, Silkroad and Judgement), (New Jerusalem)
2. 4G Promised Land (James Bond, Asia Four Dragons), Future X years (Economic Breakthrough)
3. 3G Eden Garden (Back to the Future, Islam, Buckingham, & Qing Dynasty Failed), History X years (New Medicine)

Algorithm of 9, Its indeed a long movie. and there is ending, there may continuity. No Pre-requisite, the Terminator will finally come.

3G Fatalism, 4G Partial Sovereign, 5G Fully Sovereign. Make sense?

New Medicine: New Science Paradigm
Economic Breakthrough: Advanced Telecommunication
New Jerusalem: Better Population & Demography Hieraechy Order.

Let’s talk Top Five Economic Conspiracy

The United States PolyGon with Villain Country

1. Digital Economy – Blind Dog Machine->New World Order (Obama & China)
2. End World Tourism – Erotic Flood->Ethnic Genocide (Biden & Korea)
3. World War Rare Earth Quantum – Japan Intrusion->Chinese Poverty (Clinton & Singapore)
4. Climate Change Infrastructure Terrorism – Famine->Plague (Bush & Taiwan)
5. Knowledge Economy Veterinary Medical – Popular Flu->AntiGod DNA modification (Trump & Japan)

The Most Probable one is Digital Economy.

The Most Active one is Knowledge Economy Veterinary Medical.

The Resolution is against the Knowledge Economy Veterinary Medical with New Medicine.

Discard Islam Civilisation i.e. Fasci Japan, Pseudo Machine, Telecommunication, and Modern Medicine.

The War against Japan.

Pseudo Machine is Placebo effect and drain alot of energy, heat & bubble economy.

Telecommunication is Anti God. It monitor Individual Privacy, disrupt God Sovereign.

Modern Medicine is drug & surgery oriented, and focus on Animal clinical trial.

On these 3 Major Engineering Field. We cannot accept Western Methodology i.e. Islam Civilisation for long term against Covid-19.

It is reverse engineering indeed. Destruction Oriented Engineeering.

All known Corona Virus is Artificial Manmade. And No official Vaccine treatment.

Ridiculous. Made a lock, with no key.

Copyright (C) 2022, Ryan Lai Hin Wai, All right reserved.