Y141. How compare between Biology, Medicine & Veterinary (Journal)

Veterinary Science. Its not Medicine but Medical. Surgery is Medical. All these based on Christianity Theology as Foundation.

Three Theology as Foundation, Calvinism Theology (Islam), Arminianism (Buddhism). Anabaptism (New Age).

Calvinism is Save by Faith Alone without Baptism but Pre-baptism. Dependent on Islam Election People incl. Egyptian and Semitic. Christian Science.

Arminianism is Save by Works without Baptism but Post-baptism. Dependent on Buddhism Victory and Placebo effect. Pseudo Science.

Anabaptism is to Salvation by Grace that to Baptise Gentile Spirit to Holy Spirit (5per). Dependent on Grace of Trinity God. Quantum Science.

Psychology is not Medicine but Optometry i.e. Eye Science, the Veterinary. Another One, Genetic Science is related to Orthopedic. Orthopedic is not Medicine, but Geneology and Biology. Comes to Physiology, that is related to Cardiology, Health Science. All of these called Medical.

The Cardiology treatment is nutrition supplement i.e. Topical Paste (skin). The Orthopedic treament is enzyme, i.e. Drug Pills (brain). The Optometry treatment is vitamins i.e. Injection Stemcell (lung).

The true Medicine and Chinese Medicine. Namely, 1. Body (Applied Physics)(Bone Healer), 2. Body and Spirit (Pseudo a.k.a Economics Science)(Herbs), 3. Spirit (Psycho Science a.k.a. Computer Science)(Acupuncture).

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