Y143. Colony Slave System (Review)

Let’s Drop away Academic Excellency, and Promote toward Long Hierarchy Job for Good Social Orderliness. Japan and Singapore has good model on this.

Ban Colony & Slave System for immoral productivity gain. That is Communism Economic System, and current United States adopt.

President Lincoln Abolished Slave System. And Now United Nations Far East Countries bring it back.

Instead, a Healthy Economics as well as Working environment should be well bonded. Like what I advocated, Long Hierarchy Job Culture.

Short Hierarchy Job Culture, is Heavy Economic Loading. An Academic Excellency Job Culture is Social Disorder, for their skills set is about similar and very low standard deviation.

Long Hierarchy Job Culture that inclined toward Compensation as well asl Honour (Upstream), Time spent as well as Wage (Downstream), should be wide sought after, for a suitainable Booming Economy.

Racial Discrimination is expected but Gender Discrimination would be lesser. Let’s create a better office and industry working envinronment and culture.

Happy Valentine Days!! May Good lovers be Good couples. Dare to be difference? Be the First Class. For that is Heavenly Love.

“Love is not about qualification so as Job. It’s Organic Yoast.”

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