Y146. Let’s called the things off. (Whiteboard)

The War Treaty

The initiative of Russia control the Corner of Europe continent is apparently valid, that due to current World Office is dominated in the Wrong hands.

War Crime

Nazi Economic Body members performs, 1. Economics Conspiracy by Clean Energy for World War. 2. Epidemic by Knowledge Economy Corruption i.e. Medicine Industry 3. Erotic Defect & Genocide, Social Disorder & New World Order by Anti Semitic 4. Economic Crisis for Control Weather.

These Big Four Major War Crime.

Schism to United States

Due to these, I have reasons to vote a better World Government or Create Schism in United States the Big Brother. We have to endervour to avoid War, if it is extra works.

Marxism Ideology the Communism Ideology

Of course the Schism in United States is not about Germanic or African Human Right but Semitic Human Right. This is the Justice, for Law practise some many years thru the formed of Israel, in 5000 years. Those under suffering and tortured are those Semitic, even still now. Human Right on African is about Religious Movement. and surprisingly, Colony and Slave system is wide accepted in African Community. Which is so called White Collar Wild Fire. This Marxism Ideology called Communism Ideology. Feed those needy. In fact most of the time is exchange with Pride and Erotic.

Communism and Religious Activities to World Village

For this Religious Movement transform into United Nations, guarding the Democracy Wild Fire Globally. And the so called Democracy in fact Communism Nazi Economic Body. Oriental Democracy is False Democracy. The What the Schism of United States would yield from. I know alot of Jew pivot their land to New Zealand and Australia. Let’s face the reality, we are to be Colonised. No matter what, this is the awakening calls and not suppose drop into War Banner. But to disrupt Communism and so called Religious Activities we need Economic Booming and Medicine Renaissance. And fully equip to face the No Justice. After all, Background will change, but Election will not changed.

Say Yes to Real Heaven

World Village i.e. Utopia is for those Undergraduate. Say yes to Real Heaven. All are precious.

Say No to War

Romance of three kingdom. Let’s justice prevail. When talk is not useful, we need self defences. War is for Pride at Price. There is No loser in a War, but Victim. I suggest Summit talk if there is no allergy. Those allergy not fit. We need pay money for eyes those enemy, not to pay eye for eye. This would be Genius. Lets God power heal the Kingdom. We are in a Solar System of all connected, one branch fail, all can feel. All branch need well positioning, called Hierarchy.

Prevail those Outside when End Time

Let recognise what Authentic and what Official. Christianity will prevail outside the Church when end time. Mathematically. Professionals will prevail outside the Office when end time. Mathematically either.

When you see these sign, the enemy has arrive, so as Ally. For those Official is Opposite. Don’t be faith off but keeping the long road. There are alot of judge in Islam. As Christian don’t be judger, but Observer. And pass the Message to next 14 generations. History will not prevail but Story will prevail.

The After Life the Eternal life

That is what we endervour, Spiritual Miracle thru all stories. and formed up Principle and then to Law. The Systematic 10 law hierarchy. Law of Moses, the Semitic Law. Those who are belong to Evil, you will not hurt. But those Righteous would face, age, sick and dead. The Spirit Prevail outside the Official Body. After Life, the Eternal Life when end time. Those Evil will continue enjoy in Earth Village so called Utopia for so called Plato Love. That called Immortal.

Let’s called the things off.

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