Y149. The Break-in of Electric Car (Whitepaper)

Nuclear Powered
For Climate Change, You have to win over the Economic Crisis and second you have to win over the Alternative Energy. Economic Performance world wide is performance over growth as Education Credential is like wild fire. 2nd, the Nuclear Powered is just a simple decision making of who buy the bill of Ocean Pollution and Humanity Heritage Reservation and most important the Justice and Human Right issue must overcome by just.

Cult activities
This is not easy, no one will buy the shit of Cult Activities who perform the Dark Magic and Colony Slave system. This the Medicine Issue as well as Religion Issue, we shall bring it up. Brute Force is against the Human Right and Justice. There is no place for peace.

Electronic Technology Maturity
To proceed with Clean Energy we need bring it up World Wide and Debate. Who buy the bill? Further, The Electronic Technology Maturity and Precision Technology not reach Maturity yet. By the Clean Energy is a Economic Conspiracy until Present Now 2022′, Money drained Machine with no Profitable.

Censored and Quarantine
I am under threatening by Brute force in my Country. I am just an engineer, musician and blog writer. They (FBI) are brute force censored and quarantine my writing, music, and social. When there is no Justice and Human Right, there isn’t Church but Cult. Red Card for you. This is my warning to UN. You are wasting your time and money doing Cult Activities. This is my job to wake you up, or War.

Human Right
So you know Human Right? United States Human Right was abolished by Martin Luther King, correct me if I am wrong. A group of Capitalist and a Bankruptcy called Human Right. And this is Democracy in which Objection dominant by Voices.

Oriental Democracy versus Western Democracy
There are Oriental Democracy which dominant by Communist. No Every Voices counted. This is Western Democracy same to Western Nationalism. Check it out. Zero Carbon Emission is Climate Change treaty. Reject this is Start War. But crucial is the timing of this treaty.

Break-in of Alternative Energy
We are yet to right to announce End World Climate, it is reversible, how much you bet? We are to improve the Climate until the Advent of Jesus. We need a wise break-in of Alternative Energy, with abundant allowance. That solely depend on the Maturity of this Civilisation especially the Medicine. In which all technology based on it as Pillar. Depend on your wrist, ‘Steel Wrist’ Politic is condemn.

Passport to Oriental
5 Standard before the Break-in of Next Phase. 1. World Threat i.e. Economic Conspiracy. 2. World Issue (Erotic Defect & Ethical error) i.e. World War and Cold War readiness. 3. Economic Crisis and Climate Change 4. Intelligence Abuse as well as Terrorism and Religion. 5. Medicine Maturity in which the Technology Pillar. 6. Religion Unity, Israel-Palestine and Silk Road Thai Peninsular. 7. Spiritual War, Speed Church Reformation This is the item of the passport to oriental. And the Judgement done within the Offender.

Brute Force Disrupt Social Structure
Life is a box of Chocolate. Badge. I am going to eat Nasi Lemak Lobster RM35. My job is to resolution, not to disruption. I meant we are progressive harvesting to Next Phase of Civilisation soon. The ball is drop into Malaysian Islam, Chinese and Christianity. This is demographic also the Social Structure. Its fragile.

Climate Change, Constitution Law and Ecology
Climate Change is about Constitution Law more than Ecology. As Ecology imbalance is on the Ozone Global Warming. The Constitution Law i.e. Economics is about the Tsunami. Case by Case. Hard Truth attract no one, but Debating is welcome.

Politics Schism every country so as United States
American Unity is a bubble always. There were mass genocide and mass quarantine and abduction. This is the fact we need to recovered. Stop terrorism topics, the motive has floated. Its evil not righteous. Stupid doo. For there is misunderstanding, there is War. There is schism every country. This is the sign of Devil coming. You are algorithm under developed, indeed.

Extended to Christian Persecution
This is Christian norms of these decades. Turkey in the straw anyone? This is the faulty of Music. The Blues of 50s has censored. Its because Martin Luther King Jr Campaign. Revert the Human Right Doctrine. Its spread like wild fire until present decade. The corner stone of United States has been disrupted. How about other place? Taiwan? This is the religious movement and Christian persecution is the blockchain. We should back to track like ever before and to the church as well. No more Illegal Pentecostal Church funding for whatever sake. Continued like these, we will defer the timelines of civilisation.

Electric Car and Tesla
Its about the Human Genetic Quality. Yoast. Tesla is the father of Electric Car, and for sharp eye this is New Noah. Statement to Electric Car is “Waiting is the beginning of Ageing”. Concurrent engineering is not adopted by Japan. This is the Six Sigma versus Cost Efficiency. The manufacturer in Japan earns Trade Secret Credential. The manufacturer in United States earn Cash Interest. Japan firms growth their Factories for Quality Unity. And United States firms doing outsourcing for Cash Efficiency. Tesla technology indeed a Japanese Trade Secret.

Spiritual War indeed
Pay me to shut my mouth out. This is spiritual war indeed, Man versus Creature, China and Taiwan all fallen. All Chinese fallen. Left out Russia, United Kingdom, Germany dominated Europe and Islam Country. I meant Economically which is spiritually.

Religious Movement
Called Religious Movement. Pentecost 3rd Wave, after Martin Luther King Jr. Stop hard words. Some are half creature half man. Let’s music do the magic. Please don’t censored good music. So as Good looking face. For There is Religion Denomination Dispute or Ethnic Dispute. Christian Persecution vs Anti Semitic. Unfortunate, epidermic could worsen the conflict, and we need to balance the Human Right of Nationalism and Human Right of Communism. Human of Communism form up by Martin Luther King Jr. Human Right of Nationalism form up by Sun Yat Sen 3 People Principles. All run in vain now. there you go, Taiwan implement Same Sex Marriage Law Last few years ago. I am either wing, I support weaker. Right to said Anti Semitic justified Human Right has been abolished.

Spiritual Equilibrium
There is equilibrium point, there is Christian Salt. Don’t worry. but Law is Law. Marriage Law affect the Economic as well as the Tsunami and Typhoon. Of course, this is geographical dependent, none of my business. For example, United States Land is liberal land, good weather all the times. All these thing belong to “Oriental Blueprint”. And we need break-in ASAP else becomes genetic Yoast. End of Awakening.

Good energy and Bad energy
What is energy? Its come from disruption. So there are Good energy and Bad energy. Of course we need to get the Big Picture. people called Meta. I called it Blueprint. We have collected sufficient informatic of crime activities during 60s to 2022′ present. The Final Answer: Anti Semitic and Anti Christ. Recently Anti God. This is fine, Okay!! But War Crime is no tolerated. Nuclear Weapon is disputed so far. But Nuclear Conspiracy is condemned. No one worship. No one worship Nuclear Weapon. This is Psychology. Psychology illness. I would conclude, the Dark Economics is come from Fallen of Morality. Which is Economic Conspiracy. And disruption is via Capitalist e.g. World Bank. Long winner. This is called Obama Economics. Pinned. Ante before Judgement. Its whole stacks of life.

Obama Economics the Economy Conspiracy
If and only disrupt Obama Economics i.e. Capitalism Marketing Economics by Legacy oriented instead of Credential oriented. Evaluation economics instead of Benchmark economics. Metric versus Quantum. Metric Energy is Cubic. Quantum Energy is Hybrid. Crude Oil is Metric. Nuclear is Quantum, in which depend on Weather. Yes The Heat dissipating of Quantum Energy counted into Global Warming. Demographic crucial to Capitalism Economics. Where is your judgemental sound?

Brute Force
Win Moral win War. Seriously condemn Brute Force. In any circumstances, Brute Force required Training. Brute force is last resort. A Science without experimental is full of bullshit. I shall say, when there is brute force there is war. To victory we need Bible combine Quran. Dare to read? There is risk. I am embedded these two in my memories.

Bad things addressed
As Executive Officer, I confess to be the pioneer of World Event Journal. All sets, and we are boring. To those inferior, we had win over the dead and covid, literally. World is going brighter and brighten along the way. The bad things had all addressed. Just enjoy the weekend. Bye for now.

Social Security
Call of duty. War is like Racing of 6 horses. There are white horse and dark horse. Opportunities not equal. But this is Social Hierarchy of God, called Social Bonding. You get Bonding you loss Security. Relatively. This is mathematics, Social Science. To buy security is an offence. In which Social Bonding is Economics and Life. This is because Semitic and Egyptian derivatives is God Election.

Classic versus Popular
The Bible and Quran. Hence, Semitic is Majority, and Germans is Minority. Classic versus Popular. Those middle Class is Semitic. Same applied to Chinese.

Cold War since 60s
Four Economics Premises, and Main Land. Its the Pre-Baptism Fundamentalist and Post-Baptism Vatican wrestling. Applied to India main land and Sri Lanka, Thai Peninsular. There were War Crime events since 60s.Islam is immoral. And Fundamentalist are still minority in Chinese. Most Chinese are Music Oriented. Instead of Scientific. You score Music, you win Chinese. Some Asian are expert in Scripting and Coding called Word Science. That is Yoga or Pentecostal Logo or Graphic belong to these area. The War crime between Islam and Buddhism is due to Economic Conspiracy e.g. Rare Earth, and Erotic Culture and Ethical Short sighted. This is the pillar of most western war too.

Economics War
Conclusion the Game Theory of Economics for the sake of Medicine as Technology Pillar is the root cause of World War. Called Economics War. Its about Erotic and Marriage Law Treaty. Of course, comes with the Climate Change. Its 1000 years cycles. Climate Change discrepancy to Global Warming.

Climate Change versus Global Warming
Its about Tsunami and Flood. Global Warming is about Earth quake. Inner core of Earth. And Moon effect is Tsunami. Tsunami is about Gravitational Wave of Moon. The Earth Quake is true End time, about Inner core Earth Heating. Carbon Emission is irrelevant of Tsunami Prevention. Its about Global Warming due to Ozone Deteriorating.

Tsunami is reversible
Tsunami is reversible. Great news. But Earth Quake is not reversible. That make the highlights of Two Era, Quantum Phase and Pentecost Phase.

Electric Car Break-In Guide
As Combustion Car is not Projected, so we can only use Electric Car at full cost. The break-in should be after the Economics Booming i.e. Moon Landing with Man. 1997 Economic Crisis, we should have the guide of Cold War or Advent.

Cold War Crime
That make the blinds of 911 Terrorism. And series of Epidermic along the way. There required only 40 years or 50 years to Oriental. The number is biblical. It is a cycle, present is best bet. 40 years after advent. or Cycle again. Called Silk Road. Myanmar War, Vietnam War, China 64 Protest, Taiwan Strait Tension, Xin Jiang Rehab, Hongkong Extradition Law, etc.

James Dyson the New Noah
The Fundamentalist bind with Vatican and New Age Religion. Its Cruel, better than defer. Last, the 6 Economic Body Game Theory Wrestling in terms of Medicine Pillar for Technology. Called Economics War. Religion War or Christianity Evolution. Another Competitor is Dyson. The New Noah is James Dyson. Electric Floating Technology

Religion the Technology Pillar on Medicine
Genetic Quantum Science is Fundamentalist, Cardiovascular Pseudo Science is Vatican, Psychology Biblical Science is New Age Religion. Its Horse Racing time. “The future cannot be changed but this is not destiny.”

Sovereign of God
As we progress into Advanced Civilisation (time slow phase), World War is impossible. The degree of freedom depends on your Holy Spirit. Called Sovereign of God. Fatalism and Pre-destined and Full destined. Colony and Mainstream determine the God Sovereign. This is proof by literacy and educated rate.

Technology War the Religion War the World War
World War III is indeed a technology war. Most of us are full of funs. Word Games or iPad. We ought to ride the Tesla and emitting to Mar. That required good batteries and acceleration. Light of Speed is possible. Just required Gear shift. Pseudo Science, i.e. Statics can make Floating with Electric Supply.

High Volume Fees
Semitic Supremacy thingy. Because of Quantum Technology. The rest pay high volume fees. Another Competitor is Dyson. The New Noah is James Dyson. Electric Floating Technology. We could easily make another version but still within the Statics boundary. Okay, let make Electric Car at full economical cost for Prevent Global Warming and Earth Quake. And it’s the most safety car than Combustion due to Manageability of DC. And this is the Electronics Technology in works, called A.I. Holistic Limitation. Spirit mobilised. EMI issue. The Quantum Computer has no reach maturity yet.

High Maintenance
Once again. Its just too early to break-in, despite its Japanese stuff. Six Sigma Quality Management instead of Concurrent Engineering. Those are the common doubts. Electronic machine required high maintenance.

Organised Crime
Let’s lit the light. Whole bunch of Organised Crime. This is True Human Right Concerns. Not About Gender equality, not about Same sex marriage, not about Job Wage, not about Neighbourhood Law Suit. Its about our life, past life, present life, future life and after life to eternal life. I got alot of clues and accumulating for filling. Not a big hit, no supposed to. But a Change for better Talk. I believe pass over these messages to next 14 generations, would help. Its completed darkness in my sight. So you can think the Colony are very wide spread. At least Chinese.

Oriental Democracy the rootcause
I can deduce this Far East Countries issue. Because of so called Oriental Democracy. That what the Economics moves. Western is the media of passive. Stop hiding, stand out. Stop disguise yourself. Peace comes at high price. Let’s see how, I stand out for now.

Copyright (C) 2022, Ryan Lai Hin Wai, All right reserved.