Y150. The Know-how of Electric Car Industry (Whitepaper)

Integrity is all about to be voices. Or just read the bible. Credential hungry man. You got to raise up one day. I see for spiritual identity. A humble man lead to victory. A proud man leads to self destruction. No one man show. Be the running man. One man show is involuntary. In a War, the most important is the Creed. Its an advanced algorithm. And the winning method is creep. This is the neck guarding. What all about Patience and Holiness is. The Lite.

Semitic vs Semitic
This risk management strategy called Victory theology. Semitic vs Semitic is dead end. We have Penta. So called Anti Tau. Don’t be the lajuruk i.e. Last. You are the best I think, due to Vatican against UN. Pro China. Terminator. And that is Cold War.

Censored of Blues Music and Irish
I have my musical senses. The Blues Irish (Fundamentalist Creationism) versus Hymn Anglo (Episcopal AZ) versus Folk Russian (Episcopal Alpha Omega) versus Rock Hebrew (Fundamentalist Calvinism). The Creationism and Intelligent Design has censored.

Fundamentalist French and Calvinism Germany
Because of Washington Apple is for Liberal Land only. This is the important part. Major reason is Jeopardy by Islam. So called Islam Scholar design Car without the needed of experiments. This is from French Fundamentalist. Germany is Fundamentalist Calvinism. The different is Experimental versus Theoretical that is the methodology the invention of 9 page Quantum Computing.

IBM platform and Electric Car
China is the winner. The computation flop is non-limited. Its the right time break in the Electric Car. We had almost to established the Computer Platform. IBM platform. Sound technology is the Crab now. Called Pentecost Science.

Chinese Medicine is Psycho Science, i.e. Artificial Intelligence
Without Computer Platform established, electric car is non economical feasible. The Sound card technology. Psych Science is the Crab. And this is the Patent of Chinese Medicine. Without Pentecost Science without Artificial Intelligence. Chinee Scholar had been abduction in mental rehab because of this.

Background Story of Artificial Intelligence
The behind reason of 911. The truth has floating to me since last year 2021′. Bill Gate is monopoly. Sound Card is the Pillar of Electric Car simply put. Car Audio? Nope. This is the Judgement of Semitic 12 sects. Sometime right sometime wrong. Forgiveness is all about.

Germany the key to Religion Unity
Personal Victory is all about passport to heaven. The story of Semitic has alot. Qualification and Reconciliation is the key. For Authentic is belong to Germanic. The Prague Square vs Jerusalem. The Germany has the best religion Fundamental. So called Authentic. Turkey in the Straw, Religion Unity. Without Germany, Palestine and Israel had no peace.

No Discrimination on Ethnic
Of course alot of Jewish gentile in Israel. Best Ethnic Russian, Best Christian Germanic. Unfortunate, there another Martin, Called Martin Luther King Junior. This makes Moon Landing United States and Challenges and Promises. We can’t denied African for the vain efforts. We have to accept them enjoy the Fruit of Economic Booming.

Christian walks out Church
As a results, as Bible Prophesised, Cult Activities Raised. The Dark Magic one. Those devout Christian walks out the Church. As written in the bible commentary. Solar System is constituted by 9 planets, 8.5 to be exact. And the formation of Planet is the scale of the Geometry. There are total 3 kind of formations. This is the Church, Fundamental, Pentecostal and Episcopal. Buddhism Inclined, Islam Inclined and Hinduism Inclined. The combination of Cult and Orthodox.

Unity but Components of a Body
It is not mixture but aligned. Same thing we cannot mix church, but aligned church. we cannot mix ethnic, but align ethnic. and this is complicated task. But no compromised. Migration crisis is a serious problem in Malaysia. One day this will be aligned to each country. Culture, language remain. The Romance of Three Kingdom. United Nations, Promised Land, and Oriental. Same story applied to each nations. One within each one.

Green Green Grass of Home
There are 3 kind of Social Bonding which deduce from Geology. And Economics is Politics, and Politics is Geology. The Geology is the Ethnic. Protect the land is everything than people. Back to the green green grass of home. This is the failure of China because Hongkong and Shanghai was rental premises. And the land determined your money. There is green in every country, don’t migrate. But conquer instead. Teach you how.

Japanese way the Levi way
By Electronic Gadget. This is Japanese way. Not Burger King. And Japanese doing no profit business. Due to this reason. Japanese way doing Branding is expanding continuously. Non Profit Business but Rich Citizen, how can? The strategy of growth big. For Levi people doing business this way too. This is doing business the army way. This is complicated accountancy.

China Concurrent engineering versus Japan Quality Management
But the Victory belong to Taiwan, why? Panasonic National. They doing concurrent engineering. Focus on Function per Cost. This is important feature for Electronics. So Japanese make Combustion Car, China make Electric Car. Cool? High Mix low Volume versus Low Mix High Volume Batteries is High End Price, Petroleum is depending on Market Supply. Solar is occasional availability same applied to Nuclear Powered.

Joint Design Manufacturing and Blue Sea Strategy
Which economic is fit to future scenario? Overhead no important but Depreciation rate. Electric Car is Win Win. High Depreciation Half Life (Low Heat Loss), but Expensive Battery. Electric Car is Win Win. Low Depreciation Half Life (Low Heat Loss), but Expensive Battery. Combustion has very lowest efficiency rate. The heat can make use to boiling eggs. So Electric Car is Concurrent Engineering, Joint Design Manufacturing. Most country able to make their own Electric Car. This is Blue Sea Strategy. Multi Channel.

The Contest of Monopoly
To gain Monopoly. The Core Patent. Its a racing contest. Monopoly eliminates unnecessary marketing Economic Conspiracy.

Electric Car the Mercedes Way
The crab of a Car is the Pneumatic or Hydraulic Instrument i.e. Dashboard. This is the core technology of electric car too. The Lubricant. This required off road trial. The Robustness of Electric and the Handling. Doing the Electric Car the Mercedes way. This separate the price tag.

Ethic First
This is about Sport and Skills than Formula. No many Generation expect, just 3 generation enough. Ethic come first Safety second. You have to build a wing if it can fly. Same thing, the electric car must be skills hungry. Cannot man-less or fully automatics. Non ethic.

No Weapon
Ok, there is pollution too, sound pollution. Tinnitus inclined. High Pitch and loud. Interference with IoT 5G. A safety Car indeed. Required Tuning every forth week. or Everyday the best. It can be very miniature, for kids. but non ethic. It is weapon.

Transparency from 5G
It can be. Transparency from 5G. stop here, Because of Global Warming and for the sake of Earth quake in Pacific. We need these break in straight after Religion Peace in Israel. i.e. Entering Silk Road, Pentecost Era.
With Uncertainty of Dispute from Crude Oil Economic Body, we cannot brute force. History condemns. In Quantum Era, 4G Era, we are safe from Global Warming I guarantee. That is differ of Close Form Universe and Open Form Universe.

Prepare Readiness of Electric Car
But Celestial is secret. Humble Telescope James Webb Telescope is Hobbies. Studies Mathematics studied Universe. Not Sketch form Picture. Its financial manipulation schemes. We need safe guard Celestial. We don’t know the time of Global Warming, but prepare the readiness of Electric Car is the wise path.

Patience for Booting
So as Nuclear Powered. Semitic Availability. Made for Semitic. Electric Car made for Germanic, know why? You need to have patience waiting booting. Maybe Tuning every time restart. Tuning the Gauge. This will be solved if 5G era. If Driving don’t use Handphone. And 5G handphone no safety. and no healthy. Take caution.

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