Y158. Silk Road 40 Years Transition from Israel Wall 500 years. (Bulletin)

2G to 3G Berlin Wall, Israel Wall and China Great Wall (World War Era 5000 years/3), Biblical
Economic Crisis 2G to Economic Conspiracy -3G Span B.C. 1- A.D. 1970 years >1666 years x3
The formed of 3 Kingdoms,
Qing Dynasty (current Singapore) i.e. Commonwealth -A.D. 1616’ -2G a.k.a. China Great Wall (Chinese-Western)
Democracy Revolution (current Taiwan) i.e. United Nations – A.D. 1910’ -2.5G a.k.a. Berlin Wall (Poland-Germany)
Introduction Asia 4 Dragons (current Hongkong) i.e. Federation A.D. 1970’ -3G a.k.a. Israel Wall (Christianity-Islam)

3G to 4G Canyon Road to Promised Land (Cold War Era 700 years/3), Quantum
Economic Conspiracy 3G to Economic Booming 4G
A.D. 1000s-2000s >700 years
Invention of Pseudo Science, e.g. Printing Technology, i.e. Moveable Press, Steam Engine, Tungsten Light Bulb, AD. 1000s’ – 3G
Discovery of Electromagnetic wave, e.g. Electrical Motor, Photo Camera, Radio, Sound Recorder, AD. 1800s’ – 3.5G
Application of Economic Science, e.g. Digital Computer as well as Rocket Launched and Man Landing on Moon. AD. 1969’ -4G

4G to 5G Silk Road to Oriental (Civil War Era 51 years/3), Pentecost
Economic Booming 4G to Economic Crisis – 5G
1970s-2020s >50 year/2 x 2)
Economic Booming, Satan Released after 1000 years Prison, Civil War. AD. 1970’ -4.0G (Vietnam War, Myanmar War)(Buddhism vs Islam Schism), Application of 10 Commandment i.e. Victory Theology

Station 1. First Resurrection – Oriental Express (Taiwan) i.e. Train (Pre-baptism)(Motorola 5G, 20 level private network)

  1. Economic Crisis I, Advent Jesus, The Final Preaching to Oriental – A.D. 2000s’ -4.5G (Persian Gulf War, Syrian War)(Islam & Christianity Schism, Fundamentalism), Christian Science i.e. Calvinism Theology “The Apple”.
    Jesus performs “The Apple” Salvation.
    Mary to Raise all People & Creatures from 20th Level to 1st Level, and there are First Resurrection and First Dead.
  2. Economic Crisis II, Devil, Beast and False Prophet were Judged to 18, 19, 20th Level (AD. 2020s’ -5G (Ukraine & Brazil)(Christianity & Hinduism Schism, Pentecostal), Prosperity Gospel i.e. Vision Theology “The Dark Magic”

Station 2. Second Resurrection – Continental (Singapore) i.e. Car (Post-baptism)(Huawei 5G, 2x individual public network)

1i. Economic Crisis III, Advent Christ, (Christianity to Buddhism Schism, Episcopal), 2037′ (United Kingdom War, China War), Christology i.e. Salvation Theology “Another Heaven”
Christ performs “Another Heaven” Salvation.
Father God to Judge Living and Dead from Heaven to Hell, and there are Second Resurrection and Second Dead.

2i. Economic Crisis IV, False Christ, Satan, Man of Sins was judged to Hell together with other 2nd Dead, (Christianity to Yoga Schism, Catholic), 2070′ (Australia War, Japan War), Mariology i.e. Anabaptism Theology “The Open Gate”

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