Y160. Game Theory Formation (Whitepaper)

1. 1D dot matrix i.e. portrait

Dot Matrix

2. 2D sketch, kinematic, cryptography i.e. signature


3. 3D statics, loading i.e. photo/ 1 axis is pivot

Static Force Equilibrium

4. 4D 3D+kinematic, film i.e. video/1 axis is pivot

Film Scene

5. 5D 3D vector->parametric, wire flame, chassis, architecture i.e. blueprint/2 parameter is pivot i.e. pillar

Car Chassis

6. 6D parametric kinematics, linkage i.e. moving/2 linkage is pivot i.e. controller

Variety of Crane

7. 7D parametric dynamics, robotic arm, motion i.e. force/tip grounding required i.e. calibration

Robotics Arms

8. 8D parametric electromagnetic, motor i.e. momentum/2 phase

9. 9D parametric thermodynamics, thermal i.e. heat/2 type of Sequence i.e. 1 Scale

10. 10D parametric gravitational, quantum i.e. light/3 type of mode

11. 11D parametric radiant, pentecost i.e. sound/tip grounding required i.e. tuning

12. 12D parametric material, digital i.e. electric/2 direction i.e. switch a.k.a. flops

Copyright (C) 2022, Ryan Lai Hin Wai, All right reserved.