Y162. Headquarter of Nazi Economy Body (Bulletin)

Today the Ukraine crisis is the War on the cause of False Democracy. It is in fact the Capitalism game. Let’s shut the door of Economic Conspiracy but welcome Economic Ministry. That is what we need.

The Federalism Economic i.e. Fasci Japan doing that promote the Economic Conspiracy by side. And the Japan Mafia Funding is centred on Chinese. Let’s make peace of China and Japan diplomacy. That what Chinese Leader ought to concern.

What if the life had a 2nd Chance? What if for a Regime?

By the way, to make correction. There is one United States, formed by Democrat, Republican and Federalism. Not 1 in 3 but 3 in 1. United Nations stay away from United States and that is Oriental Democracy a.k.a. Communism.

All country shall one day aligned in the Meta Universe.

Democracy correspond to War Syndicate; Republican correspond to Organised Syndicate; and Federalism correspond to Mafia. Australia-Taiwan-Korea; United Kingdom-Hongkong-Japan; France-Singapore-North Korea.

All of these called United Nations, Communism Cult Syndicate. Germany-Malaysia-China Malaysia and China is rule out.

And Germany is truly the so called “Oriental Democracy”, Communism and Headquarter of Nazi Economy Body.

If we can address this, we can avoid deep into war. Make your voice.

Economy Demography

United Kingdom & Denmark-Singapore-Japan; Australia (Brisbane) & United States Monarchy i.e. Whitehouse-Commonwealth (Semitic & Anglo)-Qing Syndicate a.k.a. WHO, (PKR,PH -practitioner, white collar, hygienic first)
Running Tax-Economic Booming (Tourism Point)(Multimedia Corridor) 火

Russia & Austria-Taiwan-Korea; Australia (Melbourne) & United States Democracy i.e. Pentagon-Capitalism-Federation (Jude & Irish)-Nationalism a.k.a. KMT, (PAS,BN -technician, blue collar, safety first)
War-Economic Recession (Infrastructure Estate)(Iskandar Industrial Park) 雷

France & Italy-Malaysia-North Korea; Australia (Adelaide) & United States Republican-Federalism (Jew & British)-Fasci Japan a.k.a. WWF, (PN,MCA -researcher, green collar, pollution first)
Mafia-Economic Crisis (Education Hub)(Singapore Malaysia Rail Way) 水

Germany & Netherland-Hongkong-China; Australia (Sydney) & United States Royalism i.e. Oriental Democracy-Communism (Jewish & Scottish)-Nazi Germany a.k.a. UN (UMNO,DAP -administrator, pink collar, ethic first)
Cult-Economic Conspiracy (Financial Centre)(Proton) 风

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