Y163. World Architecture related to proprietary history debate (Census)

1. Military Network, 6D Whiteboard, NATO (Germany)(Illustration)
Mariology Theology a.k.a. Marriage Law i.e. Christian Law

Germany Castle

2. Political Network, 10D Herald, (Event Classify), Vatican (Russia)(Prophecy)
The Insect-Borned Virus 2016’ in Amazon River is a masterpiece of a Mafia. It remains a direct link to Covid-19 as there are closed Protein.

Russia Church of Ascension in Kolomenskoye

3. Genius Network, 3D ISBN, (Geographical Classify), NASA (Australia)(Philosophy)
Copyright War United States versus China. The Corruption and Fall of Eastern Orthodox or Protestant Church. The Christian Science (Gospel) Approach versus Christian Mathematic (Revelation) Approach and Christian Arts (Old Testament).

Australia Sydney Theater

4. Conspiracy Network, 8D Bulletin, FBI (Japan)(Clues)
The China ‘64’ rootcause fall within Japan or Germany. The Disruption of Fasci or Nazi.

Japan Tokyo Tower

5. Elderly Network, 7D Journal (Ethnic Classify), WHO (United Kingdom)(Concept)
Imperial Law Implementation as well as Nutriology to Public Health.

United Kingdom London Bridge

6. Entrepreneurship Network, 4D Whitepaper (Career Classify), WWF (Malaysia)(Content)
Digital Economy Conspiracy Disruption. Clean Energy and Electric Car. The Risen or Fall of Tycoons or Giants.

Malaysia Petronas Twin Tower

7. Marriage Network, 1D Telegram, (Age Classify), UN (Korea)(Alarm)
Economic War United States versus China, in lier of Rocket Science Economy to Vietnam Cold War to Pacific World War.

Korea Monument

8. Religion Network, 4D Broadcast, (Politics Classify), KMT (United States)(Body Language)
Political Revolution Review in terms of Taiwan Independency Military Endervour, Chauvinism
1800’(文革初期,小刀会又名上海滩)–Joshua001:叶问 (Hongkong)(Imperialism)
1915’(五四运动,鲁迅)–Joshua002:孙中山 (Taiwan)(Nationalism)
1966’(文化大革命,金庸,琼瑶)–Joshua003:李小龙 (Singapore)(Popularism)
2010’(六四经济开放,Beyond)–Joshua004:成龙 (Malaysia)(Chauvinism)
A Turkish Match to Religion Unity.

United States Iconic Landmark

9. News Network, 9D Channel, (Wealth Classify), CIA (Singapore)(Radio)
‘911’ ‘311’ & Covid-19 Rootcause and thoroughly Disruption of Ethnic Genocide.

Singapore the Sand Casino Tower

10. Labour Network, 2D Forum, ZION (Taiwan)(Message)
National Security Law victim are Club Member versus Porn Member.

Taipei 101 Tower

Copyright (C) 2022, Ryan Lai Hin Wai, All right reserved.