Y164. Medicine Breakthrough Backbone (Journal)

Genetic-Flesh & Muscles->Oncology, (Schizophrenia, Energetic)(causes of Vegetable Death and Suicide Death)
Vitamin-Vaccine (Mineral, Water)->To change Religion type
Quantum i.e. Wave-Particle Duality-Morse Code (Portrait)
711 practical, theoretical, experimental, perfection (Religion type depend on Lover and Era)
Body (Classification): Flesh of Adam (Mineral)+ Rib of Adam (Nutriology)+ Forbidden Fruit (Chemistry), (3 type of Terrain)(Himalayan, Mediterranean, Mongolia) i.e. 8 type of Genetic Behaviour leveraging flesh and wisdom.

Cardiovascular-Rib & Blood->Physiology, (Epilepsy, Talented)(causes of Sudden Death)
Nutriology-Topical (Organic, Land)->To change Ethnic type
Biblical i.e. Hexagram->Cryptography Code (Vocal)
14 prototype generation (Ethnic type depend on Family and Geography)
Body and Soul (Rating): Dust (9 binder Continent of 12 type Geology Botanical Species) i.e. 9 type Continent Avatar.

Psychology-Nerves & Joint->Eye Science, (Psychopathic, Extraordinary)(causes of Natural Death)
Enzyme-Drug (Chemistry, Air)->To change Allergy
Pentecost i.e. Analog->Light Code (Skin Tone)
3 type (Allergy type depend on Church i.e. Enemy and Event)
Holy Spirit (Popularity): God Breathed (9 type Chemistry)

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